then healin' me fine

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Lando's pov
I walked into the garage and Luisa was staring at me, "Lando do you see me with you forever"

I didn't say anything I just looked at her, "Luisa I don't- well I don't know" She nodded and took my hand, she led me to the pit lane. She points to the right. I couldn't see anything or what she was pointing at but I noticed Ivy and Lewis laughing together outside the Mercedes garage. Her parents went up to her and gave her a hug and Christian took a photo of them.

  "your eyes went to her"

I look at Luisa, "no they didn't" she laughs, "I'm not mad at you Lando, but you have to grow some and ask her because time is running out. I see the way she looks at you, you better do something before she starts looking at Max like that. I'm ending it Lando, good luck" She kisses my cheek and walks away.

    I walk into the garage and Carlos walks in, "I just saw Luisa walk out"

I nodded, "Yeah we broke up" he looked at me like I was crazy, "Well now you can tell Ivy you like her"

I throw my hands in defense, "Why is everyone always bringing her name into conversations"

He looked at me confused, from the corner of my eye I could see him walking towards me, "Lando, everyone knows you like her. If something happens you are the first one to fly or run to her. She's a sweet girl"

I smile at his words, I needed to hear that.

   I started getting ready because it was almost time for practice. I hopped into the car. I waited there for a minute until they gave me the green light. I exited the garage and once I got out I made it a mission to have the fastest lap.

   I was turning on turn 6 when Max forced me out of the track, "the bloody hell you fucking idiot"

   I ended up being p2 and once I jumped out of the car, I looked over at Max. He looked pissed himself.

    "What was that Norris?"

  I try to ignore him and try walking away from him, "Man that was all you, you forced off the track. Don't be mad because of your doings"

  He slightly pushes me, I take a deep breath and take a step back, "Max is not doing this with you"

End of pov

   Ivy pov

    I was in the Mercedes garage, Lewis had just scored p3. I walk over to him and embrace him in a hug.

   "Max I'm not doing this with you"

Lewis and I overhear an argument, an argument between two boys who wouldn't stop arguing.

   We walk toward Max and Lewis stands behind me, "You two idiots need to stop arguing right now, there's press everywhere, and unless you two want to remember this fight forever be my guest"

  They walk away from each other and I look over at Lewis, "I'll be back, head to the garage, and don't do anything stupid that will get you into trouble, please" he smiles and I walk over to the Red Bull garage.

   "Hi moms, hello dads, where did Max go"

They point over to the hospitality, I thank them and walk over to him angrily.

  I saw him about to take a sip of water when I grabbed it from him and put it down on the table, "hey I was going to drink that" he said

   "Oh were you, well it can wait now"

     He crosses his arms looking down at me, "Max why are you getting into arguments with Lando, you forced him out of the track so why are you mad" his eyebrows went up. He scoffed, "Why do you defend him at any given chance you get?"

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