wondrous time

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"You don't have to be
scared, my love,"

Lily wasn't taking the 'this is your dad' news too well. she was hiding behind my leg peaking at Lando.

"Hi Lily, my name is Lando. I'm your dad, I promise you'll be safe with me," she let go of my leg taking Lando's hand. "Okay,"

She gently touched his face and erupted into laughter, while I observed them quietly, contemplating whether she would come to resent me in the future for this situation. But more significantly, I pondered if Lando would harbor any hatred towards me because of it. Realizing that I was inadvertently creating a divide between him and his daughter. This weighed heavily on my mind. Rising from my seat, I made my way to the balcony overlooking Monaco – a place that always brought out feelings of home and pure joy within me. "You're here with him," Lando's voice sounded behind me. "Why wouldn't I be?" I responded calmly.

"There's no need to get defensive, I was just asking a simple question iv," he said, his tone a touch sharper than intended.

I turned to face him, a flicker of annoyance crossing my features. "Well, excuse me for getting defensive. I just thought it was obvious," I retorted, my gaze drawn to the breathtaking panorama of the French Riviera spread out before us. "And for the record, your home is gorgeous. It suits you perfectly."

He seemed to soften at my compliment, a smile gracing his lips as he settled into the plush chair strategically positioned to take full advantage of the view. "Thank you," he replied, his voice regaining its earlier warmth. "I love this house, though, between the racetrack, and quadrant," He paused like he was hesitant to say the next sentence. "And of course, the cafe."

The cafe! It had completely vanished from my mind.

    "I am hardly ever here," he finished.

Lily skipped over, her bright eyes shining with excitement. "Mommy, can I sit with you?" she asked, her voice a sweet melody. Lando, who was already seated beside me, flashed her a welcoming smile and gestured for her to join us.

She settled down between us, swinging her little legs back and forth. "I like it," she declared suddenly, her gaze sweeping across the picturesque scene before us.

"What do you like, sweetheart?" I asked, my heart warming at her infectious joy. "The ocean?"

She giggled and shook her head. "No, Mommy. Here! I like it here."

My stomach twisted at her words. I could feel Lando's eyes on me, his gaze filled with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. "We can't stay here forever, baby," I explained gently, trying to keep my voice light. "We have a lovely home in New York, remember?"

"But I like it here," she insisted, her brow furrowed in thought. "I like New York too, but maybe...maybe Dad likes it here too?" She beamed at us, her innocent words piercing through my carefully constructed defenses.

My breath hitched in my throat. She had called Timothy "Dad." Panic surged through me, threatening to overwhelm my composure.

"Okay, sweetheart," I said, forcing a smile. "Let me just have a quick chat with...with Lando. About your dad. Lando, who is definitely your dad but about your other dad," My words tumbled out in a jumbled mess. "Why don't you go and play for a little bit, hmm?"

Thankfully, she seemed oblivious to my rising anxiety. With a cheerful wave, she scampered off, leaving me alone with Lando and the weight of her innocent words hanging heavy in the air.

Invisible string; lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now