You ate at my favorite spot for dinner

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Portuguese GP

I loved my job but I felt like I needed something that would have me working 24/7. I went to talk to Christian, "Hey can I talk to you and Geri before the race?" He nods and I follow them to a private room.
"I think I'm leaving drive to survive" he looks up at me, "meaning you're going where?" I sigh, "My dream has always been to work on the grid with my best friend, I have. But if I'm not feeling like I can do much here, I gotta go" Geri walks up to me, "but you just started to feel like my baby again" She wipes my tears and I look at her, "I know but you'll always have me because you guys are my mom and dad, you guys don't get mad when I wanna see my other parents, you guys are okay with it because they raised me, I love you guys and my little monsters," I say pointing at my sister and bother.

   Christian walks up to me and hugs me, "You studied business and law didn't you?" I node, "What if I can't get you a job here so you can travel with us, you don't have to stay if you don't like it" I look at him

"Okay fine, but if I don't. Then I'm leaving" They both cheered and gave me a hug, "Come on Mom, let's go Dad" They both looked at me and hugged me.

I walked out and Lando was with his family, I waved at them and walked up to Max. He smiles at me and kisses my cheek. "Let's hope today's good ivy, you know I started thinking about Taylor and all. I was listening to her songs because you like them and I like folklore" I laugh with him and my mom and dad pop out of nowhere. "Oh my god, Mom and Dad" I ran to them and Geri and Christian were smiling.

"We decided to surprise you because you seemed a bit lately" I hug all four of them.

Max was smiling at us until the Red Bull PR team came running in, "Christian, they know she's your daughter. They somehow found her birth certificate" I look at my mom and dad and at Christian and Geri. We all shrug, "Oh well, let it be. If it's meant to be out, then let it" I smiled at him and he was okay with people knowing. That made me feel so much better.

We stayed at the Red Bull garage to watch the race and Max got podium. Charles got fourth and whenever I pray for these boys to do good they get fourth.

We watched Max and the camera pointed at me, I think people know something is going on.

When it was over we all went to eat and had a nice dinner.

     Max reached for my hand and I smiled at him, across from us were Pierre, Lando, and Charles. They were laughing beside Lando, he was just staring at the menu.   "So I heard you're leaving Ivy," says Lewis, I sigh and look at Charles. He looked confused, "Uh yeah maybe" Charles looked at me like I was a crazy person, "You're joking right, he's joking right?" said Charles. I looked over at my parents who were looking down. All four of them. "Uh, no Charlie" he nods and looks at me, "okay" he sighs and nods his head. I sigh and walk out of the restaurant for some air, I feel like I can't breathe. I heard footsteps behind me and it was Max, I'm guessing he had something to say too.

   "What your mad too?" he nods his head and takes a closer step towards me. "No Ivy, I'm here to tell you that I know you're unhappy with your job and that you want something better for yourself" I smile at him and hug him, "max" he looks down at me, "I don't dare drivers" he nods and smirks, "yea but I wanna change that" I smile at him and someone interrupts us.


Max walks away leaving us, he puts his hands in his pocket and looks over at us. "I'm sorry Ivy, I didn't notice you were unhappy with your job until Lando told me. He said that you've seen unimpressed" I nod and a tear falls from my eye, "if others are noticing it, then it's noticeable Charles. I talked to Christian and this is the last thing I wanna do because I hate people who have it so easy, but he's going to help look for a job where I can travel with you guys"

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