Invisible string

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"Max Verstappen wins the British Grand Prix"
   I try to hold in my laugh and start looking around, I look up just to see Charles finish in fourth. I start smiling and look down at my phone to text my mom that Charles got P4.
   "Oh hello?" I turn to see a guy dressed in a black hoodie and black jeans. I smile at him and look back down, "You're with Lando huh? What's your name?" I look up from my phone and look around, "I'm Ivy, I'm actually Charles's guest but just ended up here because of Lando" he nods, "yea I've heard your name before, drive to survive" I nod and turn around to someone calling me.
    "Ivy come here" It was Charles, I waved at him and he gave me a hug. I return the hug and smile, "I'm so proud of you" he crosses his arms and starts blushing, "Hm, you know what; I don't think I've ever heard you say that before" he laughs and Lando walks past us.

    "Lando come here," says Charles
I smile at him and he takes his helmet off, "I did so bad mate" They give a quick hug to each other and he looks at me.
    "Your man won, congratulate him. I think he's waiting for you Clair" Lando says, slightly hitting me with his helmet on my side. I looked back and he was talking to Carlos. why did he just call me Clair? I don't know.

        "He's not my boyfriend" he nods his head and pats Charles on the shoulder before leaving

   I look at Charles and he's smirking, "What?" He nods his head. "It's pretty clear Max is waiting for me to leave so he can talk to you iv" I roll my eyes and slightly push him. "no he's not, wanna bet" he jumps like a little kid. "You know I love a good bet, yes 100?" I nod and we handshake. He leaves and takes my phone out so I won't look too stupid. As I'm walking past him I got nothing. Yes! I win.
       I look up at Charles giving him a middle finger, he sighs and shakes his head no. He knew he lost. I laugh and look at my phone real quick before putting it away.

     "Ivy" I heard someone say my name, I really hope it's not who I think it is. I turn around.
     There goes 100...
I smile at Max and he walks up to me, "So is 5:20 okay, Charles told me that your family is coming tomorrow and I don't wanna keep you up too late. Family is important" I smile at him. That was cute, he wanted to go out earlier so I could be rested for tomorrow. I nod and smile at him, I can feel my cheeks getting hotter by the minute. He goes for a hug and I hug him back before leaving. When he walked away I stood there smiling at the ground. I look up to see Lando looking at me. I waved at him, and he looked away. Uh okay?
      I walk back to Charles and he pushes me, "I win" I roll my eyes and put my arm around him, "let's go you idiot" he laughs.
     He changed while I was waiting for him, god this man took forever. I saw that guy again, the one that was in the McLaren garage. He looked at me and waved, I waved back and he started walking up to me.
    "I'm Max, Lando's best friend. I noticed when you left I never got to formally introduce myself, sorry about that" I nod and smile at him, "It's fine and I'm a family friend of Charles, we've grown up together since we were born basically. Our moms were friends in high school" he had a surprised look on his face, "oh okay at first I thought you were dating Charles, I thought to myself about giada but it all makes sense now" I give him a disgusted look, "ew that's gross, but she was a nice girl love her" he laughs and I see Charles walking out.
    "Hey I gotta go but it was nice meeting you," I say pointing at Charles he nods, "You too Ivy" I leave and run over to Charles because he started running away from me. "CHARLES LECLERC GET BACK HERE" he was running away from me. "NEVER," he says.
      Lando's pov
I was walking to the McLaren hospitality when I saw Max talking with Ivy. Hmmm, what is my best friend doing talking to her? I ignore it and keep on walking. On the other has the other max cones out, just my luck.
    "Hey man" I smile at him and wave
"Hey mate, congratulations" he puts his hand over his chest and nods, "thank you appreciate it, tomorrow we're thinking about having dinner or hitting a club with the drivers and anyone they wanna bring, you should come" although it sounded like a complete mess that sounded like fun.
      "I'm in" he pats my back and I walk in to change. I needed to leave, I was tired and I didn't mind waiting. I was pretty quick, when I started walking towards him Ivy was just leaving with Charles. He started running away from her, "CHARLES LECREC GET BACK HERE" I laughed with my hands in my pocket as she ran as fast as she could with her boots, "NEVER" She was still running after him until I couldn't see them anymore.
        "Nice girl, I see why you have a thing for her" I roll my eyes, "I do not, Charles and Christian would kill me" he stops in his tracks and looks at me, "Christian as in, Christian Horner?" I stop in my tracks realizing what I just said, fuck.

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