all of my past

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During the Spanish and Monaco GP, Lawrence kept on calling me over. Charles, Oscar, and Lando would glance at each other. I'm pretty sure they think I never noticed.

I knew that they were discussing the reason behind my increased communication with Lawrence. My brother was concerned about this situation, as he feared the potential consequences if others were to find out whatever I was hiding. I was at breakfast with Oscar and Lando, they were chatting about tomorrow's race. As they were talking I was eating and thinking about my new problem with Lance. My phone started ringing but I didn't notice until Oscar pointed it out, "Uh Ivy! Your phone is ringing," I took a peek at who was calling me. When I saw it was Lance I sighed and turned my phone off placing it in my purse.

As I raised my gaze, I noticed the two boys looking at me with curiosity, wondering what was happening with me. To ease the tension, I gave them a slight smile and began cutting into my food. However, I could sense that their attention was still fixed on me. I understood that they wanted to ask me something, so I tried to divert their focus by bringing up a topic I knew would capture their interest. "So, are you guys excited about tomorrow's race?" I asked, hoping to change the subject. Unfortunately, my attempt didn't seem to work. They exchanged glances and nodded, but it felt like they were intentionally giving me the silent treatment.

Feeling a bit uneasy, I decided to continue the conversation by making small talk. Lando, placed his fork down, causing a clinking noise that broke the silence. "Why was he calling you?" he asked, right in front of Oscar. I was caught off guard and unsure of how to handle the situation. I replied, "I don't know what you're talking about," hoping to deflect the question. However, Lando leaned back in his seat, his gaze fixed on my eyes, and persisted, "Why is Lance calling you? Why does he always call you? And you try to hide it, don't you?"

In this moment, I felt a mix of emotions and uncertainty. I wasn't sure how to respond or what to say. It seemed like Lando was determined to get answers, even in front of Oscar.

"Lando I told you already were working o" he cuts me off with an annoyed tone in his voice, "on something, yes Ivy but what is something supposed to mean? The last time that you got mixed up with the strolls you ended up paying for their mistakes," In an instant, my head snapped up, and I found myself glaring at Lando with intense anger in my eyes. I couldn't believe what he was insinuating, and I felt the need to defend Lance's innocence. "You have no idea what actually happened, so please stop making assumptions. Lance is completely innocent, and you don't have the right to accuse him like that," I exclaimed, my voice filled with frustration. Lando seemed disappointed and shook his head in response.

Then, unexpectedly, Lando shifted the focus onto me. He asked, in a serious tone, "Lance is innocent but are you? Because you are just like him. Daddy's money, spoiled brat, I get whatever I want because I can do whatever I want. Oh why? Because money fixes everything," This caught me off guard, and I tilted my head in confusion, wondering what he meant. "Are you serious right now?" I questioned, seeking clarification. Lando remained motionless, not giving away any hints.

Feeling a surge of emotions, I couldn't contain my frustration any longer. "Goodbye, Lando and Oscar I am sorry about this," I declared, tossing my tablecloth at him as a symbol of my anger. I stormed out of the restaurant, my body filled with rage. It was a stark reminder of the consequences of taking risks and trying new things, as others had suggested. Clearly, things were not going well for me in that moment.

As I strolled a few blocks away from the restaurant, I could feel tears welling up, and in frustration, I muttered, "fuck," while kicking the wall. The truth hit me hard – I shared similarities with Lance. Not in the way Lando suggested, but because I often got away with things due to my dad's influence. This new secret that had surfaced was connected to something Lance had done, and once again, I found myself aiding him. Lando's words had a grain of truth, but I didn't appreciate being reminded of my past mistakes.

Invisible string; lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now