Somebody there

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We left back home

This usually happens when we leave, we all get a bit depressed. No one was speaking to each other like we were on our way to the GP.

  "Ma'am; water" I realized she was speaking to me, I looked up at her and gave her a soft smile, "No thank you" I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss him. He's my best friend, the the only person who gives me the benefit of the doubt.

     I opened up my computer and scrolled on the assignments that had to be due, I decided since it was somewhat of a long flight, and although classes hadn't started they allow you to do work ahead of time. "Name a moment that you were happy for someone(extra credit)" Charles.

Charles has faced tough and challenging moments in his life, working hard for every position and award that brought him to where he is today. His dream is to drive for Ferrari someday, but I consistently reassure him that it's not just a dream – it's a future reality. I may not know exactly when, but I make a point to remind him that if he's reached the milestone of competing in Formula 1, achieving that goal, then driving for Ferrari is a logical next step in his journey.

I had a lot of faith in Charles, he's my best friend and has always believed in me, so why shouldn't I return the same energy?

   After arriving in New York, My parents had their personal driver take them home. My driver, his name is Steve. He's the best, I took a nap as he took me back to the apartment that I shared with my roommates.

You can choose either of those doesn't matter.

Gracie and Lola, we're back in the house. They had just started their second year. I walk in and throw myself on the couch, I groan. I was tired and sad, everything all at once. Gracie was going through some papers, "Did you guys know if we were to stay another year in this apartment it would be been paid off" yea well that's not happening anymore, "well girl we pay a lot of money a month, so I guess it bound to happen" I laugh and fix the pillow.

     "Have you guys eaten" they nod, and I smile at them both, "let's go, I'm hungry" I say getting up, I grab my purse and walk to the nearest restaurant. I told them about everything that happened when we got there. "You're leaving something out," they said, these girls were psychics. "There was this guy, he kept on saying hi to me, even named me Red. Which was funny" They both look at each other and start giggling, "Guys I have a boyfriend," I say shoving Lola.

   We ate in peace but I couldn't stop thinking about Louis, I wondered if anyone had ever flittered with him. And he hasn't told me. We didn't want to go home, so we went to the mall. Let's go into Lululemon. I ended up buying a jacket and some at-home shorts. When I was walking out I bumped into someone, "fuck" I say grabbing my head, I have to look where I'm going.

It was Louis.

He was with his friends, I waved at them, and they walked towards me hugging me. "What are you doing here?" I asked him, the girls were walking out until they saw his friends, they had a thing for them.

"We were bored and didn't want to go home" I point at him, "us too" I tippy toe and kiss him. He grabs my waist and starts walking around with me. They were following behind us so no one was being left behind.

"Someone was flirting with your girl at the GP" he immediately turns over at me, and his friends laugh. "Dude that was quick," says William.

  "He was a guy in orange, he also nicknamed me red," I say looking at him. He nods and clinches his saw, "interesting," he says.

He was on his phone doing who knows what, I was thirsty so I went to the nearest coffee shop with them. I ordered a white hot chocolate, and I moved out of the way and looked outside. This weather is what I lived for. It was perfect. Watching the trees turn a different shade signifying that winter was coming. The sky turned a shade of gray with a snippet of blue signifying that snow was hitting soon.

New York didn't have the perfect weather but I would consider it perfect, romanizing New York is something most New Yorkers don't like but if you think about it, we live in a beautiful city. Living in Los Angeles as a little kid was my favorite, now they did have the most perfect weather but New York won me over with the snow. That cold and icy feeling made our homes feel warm and cuddly, like hugging a teddy bear.

"Lando Norris" I snap out of my thought and look over at Louis. "What" I say

"Lando Norris, is that his name" I laugh and nod. Lola starts laughing, "No way you looked him up"

"Yes I did, I wanted to see who he was. He's good-looking too, not trying to be weird" he says.

Will grabs his phone to see. He looks up at Louis, "dude it got weird the minute you looked him up; this is the part I would tell you, he's got nothing on you but this man is a god" Louis hits his shoulder, "I'm so happy you don't like Charles like that, I would be throwing up" I laugh, everyone always tells me how good looking of a guy Charles is. He's not bad. I shrug and look at Gracie and Lola, "want him" They both raise their hand.

   "your best friend Charles, can take anyone. Imagine when he matures. He's gonna get even better looking" says Lola, Chris looks at Lola and shakes his head. "We can't win, not with Char living in the same world as us," he said, I laughed at them and sat and the nearest table. I was getting a call.

Ivy: hello
Charles: hello little red
Ivy: Charles, what's up?
Charles: Nothing we just miss you guys, and I wanted to tell you something
Ivy: how are you feeling anyway?
Charles: tired, you know thinking about the Ferrari contract. Thinking about my dad.
Ivy: *I sigh* you'll achieve it Charles, I believe in you
Charles: I know you do, I'll let you go, Ivy. Be careful. I'll call you tomorrow
Ivy: bye Charles
End of call

"Charles?" Says Lola, I nod.

"Guys school starts next week," says William, I punch his arm and Lola shoves him

"Why remind us" we all say in sync

I was currently getting my bachelor's in entertainment law

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I was currently getting my bachelor's in entertainment law. It's going well, I'm done next year. I couldn't be any happier. I was able to do many things from home, even meetings. That's something amazing.

I walk into my class and choose a seat. It was a lecture the entire time. I was writing notes and zoning out at times.

   "Okay students  I will be leaving you guys some work today, check that out and have it turned in by Friday," says the professor. I grab my things and walk out. I walk to the nearest coffee shop and sit at a table to do some work.

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