wool to brave

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Arthur was sitting across from me, he was on his phone messaging.

I put my laptop to the side and make sure he feels me staring at him. That's when a couple of minutes later, he looked up.

"Yes Ivy," he said

"Who's the girl?" I asked

He smiled at me and turned his phone off, "She's from Monaco actually, hopefully when we get back you get to meet her." yeah hopefully.

I grinned at him once more before he eagerly talked about the girl. Shifting my gaze to the window with a view of the ocean, I hesitated to leave Monaco. Yet, Arthur's appearance when we picked him up the night of the incident was heart-wrenching and frightening. He seemed exhausted, and I felt compelled to take some action. The Leclerc brothers, like a second family, have become a priority to me. As time unfolded, I discovered various methods to occupy myself, watching a movie, indulging in snacks, and playfully tossing paper balls at art. As time unfolded I found myself getting sleepier so I asked Art to wake me up when we arrived.

"Get up loser," Arthur said as he smacked me with a pillow across my face.

I groan and jump out of my seat as we retrieve our luggage before heading out to my apartment.

And on our way home to my apartment, he was observing the city like a lost puppy. But in a good way, he seemed so amused by everything that I couldn't help to feel like I made the correct decision. As we got home my brother and I bought, I took him to the guest room where he would stay. He seemed to be enjoying it, it had a high ceiling with large windows overlooking Central Park.

As I made my way to my room, I could feel the tiredness weighing on me. Once inside, I allowed myself to collapse onto my bed, the softness providing a momentary escape from the day's demands. Glancing out of the window, I caught sight of my reflection staring back at me.

It occurred to me that I probably spent too much time caring for others, I had unintentionally let my own well-being slip through the cracks. The realization lingered, prompting a pause for self-reflection.

my phone began to ring. The caller ID displayed Lando's name, instantly bringing a small but genuine smile to my face. I reached for the phone and answered the call, curious to hear what Lando had to share or discuss.

"Ah red," -Lando

"Hi Lan; I forgot to text you that we landed maybe an hour ago and now I have a Leclerc in my guest room," -Ivy

"Hm, should I be worried?? You know I do see you worried for him a lot," -Ivy

"Oh shut it, Norris, how's my mother doing," -ivy

"Which one because your mother misses you and Geri was crying when you left because she had just gotten you back to the paddock, and sadly I have to agree," -Lando

"Oh my mothers, they're both so dramatic. Anyway it's still early, I'm going to the Arthur for a stroll and I'll call you when I'm back if that's okay?" -Ivy

"Sounds great love, remember to tell little Leclerc to keep his hands to himself, I do own a car that can run a person over," - Lando

"Bye Lando," -ivy

I put my phone
to the side and walk over to the guest room where Arthur was lying down. As I entered the room, I noticed that he was gazing at the ceiling with a sense of disappointment written all over his face. Taking slow steps towards him, he acknowledged my presence by shifting over, making room for me to sit beside him on the plush bed. As I settled in, I gently brushed the hair away from his face and inquired, "What's bothering you, Art?" He glanced at me, wearing a somber expression that stirred a desire in me to offer reassurance.

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