I didn't see?

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I was infertile

I walked out so disappointed in myself, I was sitting in his car quiet and empty. Although I never had thoughts of starting a family soon, I knew that one day I would like one. This was affecting me way more than I thought it would, Max was staring at me.

But what could he do? Nothing, to be honest at this point I think we both felt hopeless.

"Can we go?" He stares at me and tries reaching for my hand, "Max please, I want to go home, I don't want to think about this right now"
He slightly smiled at me, I sighed when he turned the car on as a sign of relive. I could tell he felt bad for me, he kept on looking over at me on our drive to the hotel.

We got to the room and he was walking me to my room when I opened my door. I hugged him, "Thank you for going with me" I hugged him for what felt like hours. I needed that hug, as I'm stepping away from him he wipes the tears off my eyes and kisses my forehead. "Please be careful and don't do anything stupid please, if you need anything call me. I'm upstairs" he was walking away and I closed the door. When walking over to the bed I felt my weight get heavier,

My body plopped onto the bed, and the minute I felt the cover hit me I started crying and crying until I felt like it was time to fall asleep.

I didn't care, I stayed in the same spot and cried myself to sleep.

Lando's pov

I was going through the photos on my camera.

It was a photo of Ivy when I first met her, she looked so angelic that I stared at it for a couple minutes. I could look at it for hours.


I reach over the counter to grab my phone, maybe it's Carlos. He's always texting me to go out when I don't want to. When I looked at the notification it was from Twitter, although I rarely check f1 drama accounts I wanted to see what they made up or what rumor was getting passed around. I open the app to find a shocking tweet on the page. My heart immediately dropped, this made no sense.

   Why was she going into a doctor's office with Max, why were all the comments saying she was pregnant with his child? But why was she with him in the first place considering they broke up, he had told her some horrible things

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Why was she going into a doctor's office with Max, why were all the comments saying she was pregnant with his child? But why was she with him in the first place considering they broke up, he had told her some horrible things. I slowly put my phone down and looked at the photo of her on my camera once again. I just stared at it and a trail of thoughts took over my brain. Why did I like her so much, why did she have so much power over me that this was affecting me?

I sigh and throw the camera on the bed softly, I walk over to the window and stare off at the city, I need to give up on her. This isn't worth it anymore.

I grabbed the room key and headed downstairs for tea because I was so done. It was now 3 am and I had a race day, tea made me sleepy

End of pov

Race day

I hopped in the shower, I just stood there looking at the floor. I started laughing once I started imagining how I looked from the outside. I finished up and finished as fast as I could once I saw I had an hour and a half to get to the track.

I ran to my luggage and started throwing clothes left and right, I couldn't find anything that I wanted to wear. I ran to my other luggage and found an outfit, I had all my outfits sorted out and not being able to like not even one in the other luggage stressed me out. I grab the outfit and rush the the bathroom where I'm doing my make-up as fast as j can. The outfit was giving, I tried to make myself feel better during the process of getting ready but a sudden sadness would come out of nowhere at times. When I was done I sat on the toilet thinking until I got a call from Charles.

I hung up and fingered I would just see him downstairs.

I walk downstairs to see Max slouching in his car, I walk over to him. "What are you doing, don't you have to be on the track" he sighs and looks at me, "we both have to be on the track at the same time and we're still early Ivy, let's go" I start looking around for Charles, "he told me to take you that's why he was calling you loser, now get in or ill get in trouble with your dad"

Charles pov

I had to leave a bit earlier than usual meaning I couldn't take Ivy, I had to ask Max if he could take her. I don't think she'll let him considering she's mad at him but if jit she can just ask Pierre, they both leave at the same time anyway.

When I arrived I headed to the garage where I set my things up, I was preparing myself for this race. My head was pounding.

As everyone started to arrive at the track I walked around with Sebastian to meet some fans and just talk with some people who are walking around. Charlotte was in hospitality, I waved at her and she smiled at me. Pierre and Lance were talking, and I was behind them. Oh, he's here? Now she has no choice but to come with Max. I was going to sneak up on them when I heard its name, "yea did you see that she went to a doctor yesterday" says Lance

"Maybe he was just driving her, too many people saying she's pregnant can just be a rumor," says Pierre.

"Yeah man but she passed out yesterday," says Lance

I walk away and find my phone as fast as I can. They were right, she did go with with.

Within an hour of walking through the paddock that's all, I would hear different teams talk about it, but when Christian walked in. It was serious, he didn't look happy. He and Toto, Christian had a serious face when walking into the garage.

"WHERE IS IVY AND MAX" I heard him scream, I looked over at Lando who was just right behind me, he looked confused and disappointed all at once.
He walks out and looks over at everyone, "If anyone sees them let them, let them know I want them here right away" was trying to calm him down. "He driving her here, in like 15 minutes," I said

"Of course, he is," he says sighing and rubbing his mouth, it was tense today. Everyone was spreading rumors and lying about so many things. I noticed it was hurting Lando

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