Tying you to me

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my parents were finally here

Charles ended up waking me up, thank god. He left so I could get ready and that's exactly what I did. I put on some music and set my clothes on the bed after I showered, I won't lie that it took me a quite while to get ready considering he told me in hour an and a half. I heard a knock and it was Lando.. weird.
     "What are you doing here?" He clears his throat and looks back up at me, "Uh your mom invited me and I didn't know where to go so I came to your room; oh only because Charles wasn't opening the door though" I nod and laugh it off with him. I let him in, I was wearing my pajamas and sat back at the desk to do my makeup. It was awkwardly quiet so I spoke.

    "So my mother invited you, weird" he laughs, "did you not want me there" I look back at him, "no it's just weird like, she barely knows you," I say trying not to sound like a bitch. "no I get it but when the thing with Christian and Geri was happening I called her and kept her updated" oh, that's all I could say. Nothing else but oh.

   "Aren't your parent here to see you" he nods, "yea actually, your parents invited them too" woah they're just being generous now. "well then this might be interesting, my dad moving to Monaco after working in New York his whole life. Keeping the same friends now he wants new ones, interesting" Lando laughs and sits in the chair next to my mirror. "My dad worked in New York for a week, he loved it," he says.

   "Oh really doing what" I ask, "for a big company that would run fashion week and every big event in Manhattan

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   "Oh really doing what" I ask, "for a big company that would run fashion week and every big event in Manhattan. I look at him, "My dad owns that company" We both start laughing as I'm doing my eyelashes.
    "That's crazy I didn't even know that, I think he's met your dad then, can't wait to see their reactions" u start laughing and I hear a knock on the door. Lando gets it, it's probably Charles. He opens the door and it was Max, fuck.

I get up and walk over, "hi max" he looks at Lando, "It's not what it looks like, he's here to meet my parents" he gives me another confused look, "okay that also sounded bad, his parents, my parents, and Charles parents are going out for breakfast" he nods, "I trust you ivy, don't worry I just wanted to drop of these flowers for you. I see you later" he hands them to me and kisses my cheek. I close the door and turn around.

   "uh huh, ms. future Verstappen" I hit his shoulder, "Wait he invited me to this thing later wanna come, you can go mingle with him" I try finishing my liner and looking up at him, "I am going" he nods.

     "My bad, soon you'll be a Red Bulls guest" When was he going to stop?

We left for the restaurant not only did we see our parents but Christian and Geri too. Fuck. We both walked in and everyone was seated, I sat next to Charles, and Lando next to me.
   "Hi mommy, hi dad. How was the flight?" They proceeded to tell us and talk about a few stuff.

   "Oh not only does Lando's dad and yours previously work with each other, but after a few talks his mom and I attended the same school as kids" We both look at each other and we're thinking it's funny, "you're aunt also helped ivy with her internship, didn't even know?" Charles was now confused, "woah it's like we were meant to meet, that's crazy. When you guys find more info let us know we were talking about this at the hotel" he was laughing but all I kept thinking was the invisible string.

Invisible string; lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now