Were there clues I didn't see?

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I ran to the elevator, my room was just two floors up so I was waiting for the elevator.
I could hear commotion from the end of the walkway but ignored it.
Lando's pov
"Mate come on you left her at the parking lot alone, you can't expect her to be happy with you," I say to Charles, he looks up at me, " I don't know what I was thinking, I probably scared her" he says and looking at the floor.
"YOU LEFT MY SISTER ALONE CHARLES" Jacob screams at him, I walk in between them and nod, "you two need to work things out with her. You both are acting super childish" I say closing the door and walking towards the elevator. She was there waiting as well, she looked a bit lost.
"I think ima going back to the States, just for a month. I already messaged my team. I'm going to pack my things" she says, slightly tired smiling, "When?" She looks up at me, "Oh uh in two weeks, I know two weeks is a long time but that is the soonest they'll let me go back so I can pack my things, I told them that I supposedly have things to move and gave me a month" I laugh and she laughs as well, "then where are you going now?" I ask, and she smiles. "Home, since the next race is the German GP... I decided to go home because it's not until the 28th" I nod, I was confused about whether she was going to Monaco or New York, "which home?" She laughs and smiles, "Monaco" I don't know what got into me, "mind if I join you" She looks up at me, "Sure, but we have to pack our things, we have a flight tomorrow morning" the elevator door opens and I wait for her to walk in first, "of course I don't mind, we must pack soon. Monaco is waiting for us," I say walking into the elevator. She smiles at me and gives me a confused look, "You're on the same level as me? I thought the driver on my floor was lance" I nod, "Oh Lance, no. You know him" I asked as She sighed, "Um yea. Long story" I was interested, why did she seem a bit uncomfortable saying his name? "Huh well, it's a good thing that plane ride is long because then you can explain," I tell her, she slightly smiles and we get off the elevator. I walked her to her room but we found out we were right in front of each other.
     "See you in the morning Lando," she says, when she says my name it's so soothing. I smiled at her, "Ivy" she opened up her door before fully closing it, "you haven't eaten" She looked inside her room, "It's okay I'll go out in a bit" I was more worried because Charles wasn't on the best terms with her, so she would be all alone. "Be ready in like 40 minutes, we can go grab something" She nods and closes her door.
End of pov
   I grab my phone and call the girls, for every little detail, it got followed by a gasp. Trust me if I ever heard one of them tell this story I would react the same way. "Anyway girl, ima have to hang up because I'm done and Lando should be waiting for me," I say while grabbing my heels, "excuse me, LANDO?" Says Gracie, I roll my eyes because I know exactly what's going on in their head, "mwah mwah mwah, you and Lando" say Lola, I laugh. "You guys forgot I have a boyfriend," I say. I hear them laugh, "right him," they both say at the same time. "Bye stupids," I say hanging up and opening the door. He was also walking out, "is it me or because we both walked out at the same time it's awkward, "no it definitely was" we both laugh, "you look nice Ivy" I smile and look at him, "you too orange boy" he gives me a cheeky smile.

 He was also walking out, "is it me or because we both walked out at the same time it's awkward, "no it definitely was" we both laugh, "you look nice Ivy" I smile and look at him, "you too orange boy" he gives me a cheeky smile

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He was wearing a black blouse, black pants, and air forces. We walk to the elevator and talk about what we should eat, and craving. The elevator stops at a level to pick up some people.
  Lance and a girl walk in, I look at Lando. He smirks and puts his hand on my waist, "Anyway like I was saying, I was telling Carlos how he's weird for that" I laugh and when we get to the main floor he still has his arm on my waist leading me out.
   "Lando" Lando turns around and looks at Lance, "congratulations on today" he slightly smiles, "oh you guys are friends," I say, he gives me a confused look, "uh no actually, my first time talking to him" I nod and burst into laughter with him, "interesting" he seemed like he was curious
"You talk I pay" I look over at him, "Deal" he shakes my hand, "I was going to pay anyway, but now there's drama I want to know," he said.

We order and he then clears his throat, "Start talking, how do you know Lance?" He asked, and he got right to it, "We used to date, he took my virginity at a very young age and I always regretted him because he was so sweet but not the one, he wasn't my one. After a while, keep in mind Lance and I have known each other since kids. We attended the same school for years and quietly had crushes on each other. we started dating at 15 until we were 16, so my first year of college." He stops me, "Oh so that's why you graduated college, I was wondering" he says, "yea my parents always wanted me to graduate college at 18-19, so I made it a reality. Anyway, Louis was my partner for a project and Lance was arguing with me about how he knew I liked Louis, but at the time I didn't. I didn't even bash an eye to Louis, but then Lance started acting weird, when I got invited to a party by Gracie and Lola who still at the time went to the same school as Lance went. By the way, Gracie and Lola are the same age as me but didn't get admitted to Columbia until the year after I did. Anyway I was invited so I went, I was excited to see my old friends but I walked in and saw lance hugging another girl by the waist, the girl he was with in the elevator with. I broke up with him and he told me, that the only reason he cheated on me with her was because Louis and I seemed to be very close and friendly. That wasn't true but a month or two later Louis asked me out and I said yes because he was such a nice guy and always respected me. Slowly Louis and I started going on dates and liking each other back. We would eat dinner and watch movies when we kept on hearing loud bangs, one day he checked and it was Lance. When he opened the door he tried swinging at Louis but didn't work out, I ran over to Louis but lance was screaming at me that he knew this would happen. I closed the door and ever since he would always message me that he misses me or that he loves me, it didn't stop until the beginning of my senior year. Last year, but there was this one time. Where Louis went out of town and I decided to party with Gracie and Lola, Lance was there"
         The waiter comes over with our drinks and he smiles at her, "Thank you ma'am" She nods and walks away, "dude continue" I laugh, "okay, Lance was there and we decided to make peace. Last year. We talked and he apologized, but we started drinking so much that he then asked me if I thought our relationship would've lasted longer than it did if Louis wasn't involved in my life, I didn't realize it but I said yes, I told him that our relationship would've worked out because before Louis walked in, I was all about Lance. He tried to kiss me that night but I backed up and told him I wouldn't ever cheat, before he walked away he told me Louis and I weren't forever...ever since he's always hated Louis. Our parents would host or attend events, Louis would accompany me to every single one, he always hated him and gave him the up-and-down look.Anyway, that is why I can't stand Lance stroll, there's more to it... but thats all for now" Lando puts his hand on his mouth, "He would get super mad when I would sneak out with Louis... he's my boyfriends...idk why he was mad when LOUIs was AlrEady my bOyfriend" I laughed, "Basically Lance hates him and I, he mainly hates Louis though, he feels like he fucked it up for us" he nods and continues eating, "wow that's crazy" he saying cleaning his mouth, "mhm" I say shoving the food in my mouth.


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