Something wrapped;

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"Oh for fuck sake," I said

In about two weeks, Formula 1 kicks off again, and while the anticipation runs high, so does the workload. My brother and I had this idea – why not bring the drivers and their significant others to a New York and have them experience what a party here is like? Let them taste the wild side of our parties, something they've never experienced before. Tonight is the night they'll witness the true madness these people can unleash. My brother has rallied up a bunch of celebrities and guests for this event, so it better be good, or I'm out, heading straight to my parents' place – the place that's rightfully mine now.

"There are so many people," Jacob said, I smirked at him, "Well it's a good thing our beautiful home is two stories, there's plenty of room," I said, he laughed and grabbed the name list.

George walks up to me and leans in to look at the first page, "that's a lot of people," he said, Mick's head immediately clicked over to us, and ran to see the first list, but then we went through all the papers, "this has to be around 300 people," said Mick, I looked up at him, his chain was hanging on top of me.

"It's a good thing this home isn't small," I said, he looked down and smirked at me. Lando was on the other side of the table, he clicked the pen and we both looked over at him, he was clenching his jaw and had a fist. Mick smiles at me, "Anyway, when did you guys buy this" Mick asked, my brother and I just bought it. They handed us the keys last week, but ever since my brother and I got grown-up money... well we decided to buy the biggest penthouse we could find. "Two weeks ago," my brother says, I looked over at Lando and he was staring at Mick now.

    "Well I'm going over to pick a dress for tonight, does anyone wanna come," Lando quickly gets up from the table and puts his coat on, "yeah let's go," I guess he's going, I just know the minute I walk out he's going to say something.

I grabbed my bag from the chair beside me, feeling a surge of determination coursing through my veins. I made my way towards the exit, and he trailed closely behind, his silence hanging heavily in the air. As we traversed the hallway, heading towards the elevator, we chose to stay quite instead of speaking to each other. Though I attempted to brush it off, focusing on the task at hand, a sense of unease gnawed at the edges of my consciousness. Without hesitation, I firmly pressed the button for the lobby, and as the elevator doors slid shut, sealing us within its confines, the weight of the unspoken tension lingered.

    "What were you thinking Ivy?" he said, I rolled my eyes and slowly looked over at him with an annoyed face. "looked like you wanted to fuck him then and there," okay he's doing too much because that's not true.

     "Calm down if you're going to be this annoying go back, we're not even dating so stop," he clenched his jaw and stayed quiet.

I have now looked through all the dresses and not one has caught my attention.

Glancing in the direction of Lando, I noticed him texting someone on his phone, the mysterious recipient unknown to me. I was feeling a little unease. Despite who he was having a conversation with, I rolled my eyes and continued my mission in trying to find the perfect dress for tonight, i has became very determined. He started to piss me off as he was just standing behind me so I walked away from him and into every other store, my steps echoing in a rhythm of deliberate avoidance until the point where Lando gradually faded from my sight.

Dolce and Gabbana

I quickly found a dress there, one that was so beautiful that I was taken aback. They zipped it up in its bag and handed it to me. When I walked out of the store, I noticed Lando was looking around. I wave at him at he smiles at me, "I found a dress," I say walking over to him.

Invisible string; lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now