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Another morning I woke up in my beautiful home, it's currently 4 in the morning.

     I was on my way to Monaco

As we prepared for our journey, I found our suitcases neatly arranged at the front door, alongside Gracie's and Lola's. After changing into our travel attire, we skillfully repacked our belongings. In a hurry, we exited our home and eagerly hopped into the waiting Uber, ready to whisk us away to the private airport where our departure awaited.

Envisioning the joy of reuniting with my lovely brother and friends, I couldn't help but anticipate the upcoming moments. Upon arriving at the airport, we smoothly navigated our way to the private plane, eager to board. Settling into my designated seat by the window, I gazed out at the bustling activity on the runway, watching planes land and take off in anticipation of our own journey.

The prospect of seeing my friends added an extra layer of excitement to the air as the plane readied for takeoff. The atmosphere was filled with the promise of a delightful adventure, and I eagerly awaited the experiences that awaited us beyond the clouds.

"Jacob just landed in Monaco, he texted the group chat," Lola says fixing her jacket

I smiled at her and decided to take a nap considering I didn't want to be awake the whole time during the flight, there's nothing I dread more than not being able to sleep on a plane ride. I closed my eyes and decided to drift off to sleep until I arrived in Monaco.

"Wake up women, Charlie is here to pick us up," screamed Lola before angrily waking me up. My eyes flutter open to see them both standing in front of me with smiles on their faces.

As I stirred from my seat, a sense of drowsiness still lingering, I decided to indulge in a refreshing stretch before disembarking from the plane. However, my grogginess led me to clumsily drag my luggage along with me. Gracie, always the thoughtful companion, couldn't help but chuckle at my morning stunts and promptly relieved me of the burden by taking over my dragging suitcase. I smiled at her as I kissed her on her forehead and I continued my walk with a thankful smile.

As we navigated through the bustling airport, weaving past other travelers eagerly awaiting their flights, my anticipation reached new heights. My excitement wasn't solely fueled by the prospect of the journey; it was fueled by the eager anticipation of reuniting with a specific individual – the one and only Leclerc. The thrill of spotting him in the crowd heightened my senses as we ventured out of the airport terminal.

Surveying the surroundings with hunger, I eagerly scanned the area in search of my best friend. The moment finally arrived when my eyes locked on him. Without a second thought, I dropped my bag and sprinted toward him. His face lit up with the joy of our reunion, and with outstretched arms, he embraced me, lifting me slightly off the ground. The warmth of his welcome and the genuine happiness on his face created a perfect snapshot of the long-awaited and cherished friendship we shared.

"Can't imagine how much I've missed you, Ives, this really has been hard for me. I can't believe you're not on the track with us every race," I smiled at him and dug my face into his chest as the girls made their way toward us with my bag that I threw on the floor. Oops

As we settled into the car, Charles took the wheel, steering us on the journey back to Monaco. A wave of happiness took over me as I observed the surroundings with childlike wonder, marveling at everything as if experiencing it for the first time. The sheer joy coursing through my body transformed me into a delighted child, eagerly taking in the sights.

Arriving at my parents' home, a sense of familiarity and comfort washed over me. We gathered our bags, ready to unwind and share the stories of our adventures. The journey, filled with excitement and childlike fascination, had brought us back to a place that held cherished memories and the warmth of family.

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