She said I looked like an American singer

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my nap was very short

I noticed Max wasn't in the room so I left the room to get a coffee downstairs.

As I was waiting for the elevator I saw a text message from Lance. What is he doing messaging me, that's rare. I throw it inside my purse, the door dings open and to my surprise, it was lost inside. I get in and push my level.

"You and Lando had something going on didn't you" I look up from the floor, "no" say bluntly

"Look I admire you trying to defend him because I would do the same for Max but don't do that Luisa, here's the thing you don't know," she nods her he and fidgets with her hand.

I smile at her and she smiles at me

"You looked nice today" I didn't expect her to compliment me.

"Thank you, you too" The door opens and we walk out together.

From a distance, I could see Lance, Max, and Landon standing in a circle. Land on was on the phone with someone. I looked over at Luisa and were both equally confused.

"Why are you all together?" Lando looks over at us in confusion

"Why are you two together, I swear today is a weird day," says the orange boy

"Okay, I need to know why Lance is here, why are you here stroll?" he handed me his phone and it was an article, I backed up to where Luisa was So we could read it together. It was a lawsuit, a lawsuit that Louis was making. What in the actual fuck is he doing.

"Charles is on his way, he was with Charlotte" I make a certain face, "do you not like her?"

"oh no I loved her but I could just imagine what they were doing" I have a disgusted look on my face. "Right 'cause you don't do the same with Max," says Lance.

"I forgot how sassy you were" he rolls his eyes and I point at him.

"We're going to a cafe, you guys wanna come. Well; you have to Ivy. But Luisa I don't think you can co" I cut him off mid-sentence.

"just let her go"

He squints his eyes at me, "Mmm suspicious, hours ago you were about to rip her apart" I hit him with my bag.

"That hurts Ivy"

I smile at him and lean against Max, "Who knew Birkin's hurt"

"Okay if we're not leaving right now let's go get a coffee here, Charlie is taking ages" Max reaches for my hand.

I could hear Luisa and Landon whispering about who knows what, Max noticed it too because he laughed with me. Lance was on his phone doing who knows what.

I was looking at the menu when I felt something hit my shoulder, I turned around and saw Lando running away with Luisa's purse. The purse he hit me with. I look up at Max, "Caramel macchiato please" I hand him my bag and turn around to look and Lando. He was shaking his head.

"I'm sorry"

Lance laughs, "Yeah too late now Norris" I start walking toward him as he runs away. I started running after him but from the side of my eye, I could see Luisa and Max looking at each other.

I was chasing Lando for so long that I saw Charles walking, I pointed out Charles to Lando and we both walked over to him. I put my arm around Charles.

"You two are good now" We both looked at each other, he was standing next to me. I hit him in the stomach, "yes now we are" Charlotte laughs, "you guys are cute, very compatible"

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