And isn't it just

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🚧it gets very inappropriate later BE AWARE OF THAT🚧

We were rushing out of the car

    Max and I were now running to scan our passes, but the minute we entered we got a weird vibe from everyone.

"Do you feel the weird vibe too," he asked

      "I feel it, everyone is looking"

We started slow walking, I looked over at Max very confused. "Okay way too many people are watching us, did we do something?" he shrugs, as we are about to turn Charles stops us, "You two have a lot of explaining to do to Christian, luck" I flick his forehead and walk into the garage with Max.

    "Can you two come here please?"

We walked over to my dad who had a very bothered look on his face, "I wasn't mad at the idea of you two dating, but pregnancy? What is that all about?"

    "Lewis told you?"

"He knows?" says Christian in a shocked tone while circling the room.

     "He walked in when they told me, but Dad please just let me" he cuts me off and walks up to Max who was standing behind me, "Why did you have to ruin it for yourself, I liked you but pregnancy is crazy Max," Max scoffs and points at me.

   "Dad I'm not pregnant, I'm infertile" he looks up at me and immediately embraces me into a hug, a hug that was really needed because the minute I felt his hug I broke down a million pieces. From the corner of my eye, I could see my mom wipe a tear. I couldn't handle the pain anymore, "I didn't want kids right now, but that didn't mean I didn't want them ever Dad. I miss my mom and dad, I've always wanted a family like them. How am I supposed to live with me being infertile? I can't, I can't have the family that I've always wanted dad, I can't be comfortable with this anymore"

  Christian, Geri, and Max all walk toward me embracing me in a hug. My parents were in Monaco currently hanging out with Charles's mom doing who knows what. But I was so scared to find out what they would say.

"Please don't tell my parents yet, I want to"

I walked over to Charles and say him down with Max, we told him exactly what happened and I could see his eyes getting teary but quickly looked away, "I am so sorry Ivy," he kissed my forehead and hugged me. "This is sticking with me forever" he grabs me extra hard and I can feel tears escaping my eyes, "you won't get through this alone, we're all here for you Ivy" I smile at him and lay my head on his shoulder until I had to let go, "I gotta go Charlie, come out Maxie" he smiles and walks away with Charlotte who kissed my head.

Max who was right behind me put his hand on my shoulder, "Max how are we supposed to tell other people" he looked over at me and hugged me, "We don't have to, they'll figure out that you're not pregnant soon enough" I nod and walk over to the Mercedes garage where my phone was at. I knew not telling my parents would affect them, so I decided to tell them instead of finding out from others.


Hey honey how are you?
Mom in infertile

Oh my god Ivy; are you okay baby, how are you feeling my love

I'm scared mom, I didn't want kids but that didn't mean I didn't want a family in the future.

I want you to breathe and pretend your dad and I are there, he's currently in a meeting so I'll let him know later

Thank you, mom, I'll text you later. Race is about to start💕

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