Bad was the blood of the song in the cab

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These past weeks have been exhausting

The time change is horrible, I can't get used to it all. All I've heard is, that I will soon adjust to it but I'm wishing so hard.

    Italian GP
It was quali day and I was so tired, I was going through every single paper but falling asleep until Max dropped me off the strongest coffee to ever exist. When everyone was done, I had the papers and walked over to McLaren. Lando was driving me home. We were walking back to the car when Max stopped us, "Guys, club after tomorrow" Lando and I both looked at each other knowing we were in. We didn't do it for the Spanish gp or or Belgian although inside I was so happy Lewis won that race.
   That's when we see Charles fast walking toward us, what could he want?
    "Ivy, Louis is here" That lipstick I had in my hand fell right out. I look at him and back at Lando and Max. Charles was pointing behind him, he was walking towards us until he was in front of me. "Can we talk" I smile and look around, "uh sure" I couldn't say no because that would just be rude.

     We walk into Charles and his private little room that I call Harry Potter's cabinet.
     "I miss you ivy"

I scoff, "No you can't do that Louis, you can't just cut me off and say that this is not your world and leave me standing there confused. I know I was in the wrong Louis. But it wasn't just me" I say, I was getting mad. I tried my hardest to relax

    "I'll be better for you ivy, I'll try liking the things you like even though you know I don't. I'll do anything for you because you're the love of my life" I wasn't falling for it, my head knew everything would go back exactly to what it was so I smirked, "No what you don't get us I don't want you to do things you don't want, I wanted you to try when it was the time but now that I'm gone you finally want to do it? Bull shit Louis"

     He walks up to me and cups my face, I grab his hand and brush it off from my face. "I love you Ivy, you've been the love of my life. Please you were the one for me" Maybe, but you're not my one. I don't want my kids to grow up like this. Arguments and fighting. No, I don't want this

   "No Louis, I'm leaving" I open the door to find the three boys sitting on the beach 7 steps from me, I'm so glad they stayed close.
    "Ivy please" As I was walking over to them he turned me around.
    "Ivy please I wanted to get married to you, you were going to be my wife, Ivy please," he says looking down at me.
  He pulled something out of his pocket, it was a ring. The ring that I once showed him I wanted. The ring I wanted him to propose to me with, no way. "It's all yours" I grab the box and look at it, I give it to him and walk away,  "I need to think about it Louis, sorry"
     What the actual fuck? Did he just ask me to marry him

               Lando pov

They walked into Charles's room, or what Ivy calls his Harry Potter cabinet. When we see the door close we rush to the door, it sounds like they are arguing back and forth. We were standing right outside until we heard her say she was leaving. We rushed to the nearest bench and when she opened that door she looked so relieved to see us. She was about to walk up to us when Louis grabbed her, she was stressed out and didn't want him grabbing her is what we understand. We saw him reach into his pocket to get a tiny box.

       It was a ring, an engagement ring. I was so surprised that I immediately looked over at Charles.

    You could see she was stressed out and about to cry at any given moment. This girl was going through so many emotions when he pulled it out that she told him, she would think about it and leave. We looked over at him and left, but before we did Charles looked at him, "pulling a ring for her to feel like she has to marry you, you should feel stupid mate"
      He sighs, "Look, Charles, I don't expect do to underst" he cuts him off, he slightly pushes him,  "No you don't understand that you basically cornered her probably because you saw her moving on from you. And you, well you can't handle her never caring about you ever again " he says before we left to check on her.
End of pov
   I was in the Red Bull hospitality crying when they walked in, "it's a no, I don't want to marry him but why would he do that char" I say while gets closer to me. He brings me into a hug and wipes the tear off, "Then tell him that because what he pulled today is not okay" I look at him, and hug him.

"What if I am supposed to end up with him, what if he's supposed to be my future and I'm just playing around with my life" Max and Lando walk in, I look back and wipe my tears.

Max looked in an uncomfortable position, he wasn't talking. He was looking at the ground.

"do you love him Ivy" I look back at Charles without a word. I just stare at him.

"No, you know I stopped after the incident" he shook his head. I lay my head on his chest and he pulled me to the point where I could see him.

"Tell him to leave then" I looked outside and I was about to walk away until Christian walked out.

"Ah Max, great god today, have fun on whatever you guys are all planning tomorrow night. Charles takes care of her. Your parents, Charles's parents, and we are going to a restaurant so behave guys" he says smiling at us, I didn't want to turn around, "thank you, we'll see u later" We all walk out to see him sitting on a bench. "How did he get in here in my question" I say to Charles and he shrugs, "he probably bought paddock passes" I look over at Max with his hands in his pocket.

I walk over to him and leave the boys, "you need to leave Louis" he stands up and looks down at me, "is that what you want Ivy" I look around with tears in my eyes.

He nods and looks at me, "Is it because your either interested in one of those bimbos waiting for you" I sigh because why couldn't we end on good terms?
"No Louis you have issues that's why" I reach into my pocket and give him the ring. He looks at it and walks past me, "keep it, you deserve it after all Ivy. Bye my love" he says kissing my cheek.

I could see him putting his hands in his pocket and walking away.

I look at Charles, "well, uh let's go" I say.
We walked out of the paddock and I had the ring in my pocket. We all rode together in the morning in the Bentley so when we all got in it was pretty quiet.

We were all looking at each other, I took the ring out of my pocket and put it on the passenger armrest. Charles looks up at me, "he gave it to you" I nod as I stare at it. Lando grabs it and opens it.

"Woah, that's definitely an engagement ring"
I look over at Max and laugh. Charles wasn't saying a word but staring at it, "You were going to be engaged to him" They all looked at him but I didn't want to think about that. Two months before the break up I was hanging out with Charles and Lando, Louis called and started yelling at me that I was cheating on him with Lando. I wasn't but he was sure of it, so then he went out. I had his location so I told the girls to go see what he was doing. He was cheating on me, that's what he was doing. He apologized so many times and even sent me flowers. I forgave him; well at least I tried because it hurt so bad that I lost the love I had for him. I started feeling disgusted with him. I kept on ignoring what he did but it always bothered me.
I closed the ring and out in his glove compartment, "let's forget about it, it's fine char I know you would've been worried about me if I said yes but I didn't" he nodded his head, "yea, you're right let's go" he smiles at me and he puts music on. They all started singing and now I remembered why I loved my life so much. It's so fun and entertaining now.

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