Cuttin' me open

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I didn't make it to the Emilia Romagna gp

  I stayed in New York, it's my second week here and I was going over so many papers and so far it looks like he can be accused of tax fraud. I just don't have proof and I'm not leaving until I have proof. The next race wasn't until two weeks.

I go over to his office take photos of all the papers and send photos over to Lawrence.

I went back to the living room where I saw he left a piece of paper that had numbers on it, phone numbers.

   I sent them over to Lawrence as well, I left the house because I felt off.

   Where was I going, I have no idea. Probably my favorite coffee shop then hit the mall. As I was walking I bumped into Will. "Will" he smiles at me.

    "found anything?" I shake my head, "Completely nothing" I sigh and he takes my arm, "Let's go take you shopping" I laugh and follow him.

   "How's your movie doing?" he smiles, "It's stressful, I might have to travel so that's interesting" I was stunned but excited for him. William and I have been friends since we were four. He's always been so sweet.

   "I'm sorry Ivy"

I look at the floor and gulp, "It's okay after all I loved him once, I can learn again" he nods

   Everyone has called me to check on me, everyone but Lando. Even Luisa.

I grabbed his arm and put my head on his shoulder, I wanted to cry but I couldn't.

  He wipes my tears, "I don't know Ivy, I tried talking to him and he said he doesn't wanna lose you. That's all he said."

   I changed the subject and we went into the mall across from Central Park. It was so cold that I felt a warmness in my body, this was my favorite time of month.

   We both kept on buying things and that's what we call retail therapy. We would do this all the time, "Ivy someone's calling you" I reached for my phone and it was Lawrence.


He sounded relieved, "Tax Evasion, he can get arrested he's helping some other companies get files from Microsoft"

    I would be lying if I said I wanted him to get arrested, "No Lawrence, I don't want him there"

"Ivy, we have to"

    I sigh, "Just come with the guys. I have a plan"

I look at William, "he can get arrested, for tax evasion" he looks at me and puts the coat back on the rack, "But Ivy" I hold his arm, "I'm not letting go to prison, I promise" he smiles and I hug him.
Hours passed and we found out, turns out that they were all in Miami because they wanted to stay close to me. My question is where are they?

"Invite him to dinner at this location, I reserved a table for you the girls, Louis, and William"
He hung up before I could ask anything, I was confused and I then got the location.

   I walk to the living room, "are you busy"

He looks up at me with a guilty look in his eyes, "no, why"

   "Wanna go out to eat, we can go with the girls and Will" he nods and smiles, "That sounds lovely, let me get my coat" I was already ready considering I was going to eat with the girls.

   "Wanna go out to eat, we can go with the girls and Will" he nods and smiles, "That sounds lovely, let me get my coat" I was already ready considering I was going to eat with the girls

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