Bold was the waitress on our three year trip

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It was the next day

I woke in my room and stretched, someone started banging on my door. I open the door to it being Christian.

"So help me God Ivy rose Sinclair that you slept with a Mc Laren driver" I was caught by surprise. I look at him confused, "No I didn't, where did you get that from?" he walks into my room and sits on my bed, "Max, he was upset and had me pick him up and told me you two weren't talking anymore because you and Lando" I sigh and nod my head.

"And what? Do you think I slept with Lando? Let's say I did, which I didn't, what would be the problem? Oh and by the way why do you care about Max so much?" He sighs and looks at me with this serious face I don't like, "Because drivers will always have media following them around them and I don't want anyone talking about you, and Max is like my adopted son. I'm proud of him" I scoff and a tear drops from my eye.

"Well your real daughter who is standing in front of you was already exposed to the media once they found out I was your kid so surprise, what are you gonna do if I see Lando?" He covered his mouth and nodded his head, "You hurt Max Ivy, I know you're my kid but if you keep seeing that boy unless Charles is there, I'm telling Toto to pull you out" My mouth dropped and I scoffed.

"Please get out before I say something I might regret to my so-called dad" I open the door and watch him leave. What was he thinking and why does he care about Max more than he does about me? What did I do? I jump on my bed and lay there thinking about what just happened.

    I got ready for the day, I didn't want to spend my whole day just crying and sulking over the dramatic scenario that just happened.

   I was pretty much done but before I left I made sure to grab every necessary thing

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   I was pretty much done but before I left I made sure to grab every necessary thing. I didn't know where I was going, I just knew that I was going to keep walking until I got tired.

      I came across this cute cafe where I decided to get a coffee, "Ivy?" I turn around to see Lando's best friend. I smiled at him and waved before getting in line, as much as I didn't want to be rude I didn't want to make conversation. I looked over at my phone and I could smell his Cologne getting closer, "do you mind if we take a stroll after you're done" I looked around to make sure no one was watching, "Max I don't mean to be rude but I have things to attend to and" he cuts me off, "I won't bother you, I just want to talk" I nod my head and we approach the girl, I was reaching for my wallet until Max paid.

    "You didn't have to do that" All I could think was, did Lando set him up for this? We sat down and spoke about last night, well about all the fun parts until I got my coffee and it got serious.

    "Do you like Max?" I stopped and looked at him, "It doesn't matter anymore it's over, what he and I had is gone" I continued walking and he followed.

    "And what about Lando?"
I look over at him not surprised he asked that question.

       "Lando and I are complicated and it would never work out, I don't like him like that"

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