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A grifindor party, not to be missed or taken lightly. People had no idea who arranged these things the word just spread and off they went. The group walked into the room of requirement looking at the sea of people grinding and dancing on each other.
"James!" He turned seeing lily Evans and her friends beckoning them other. The boys walked towards them leaving Remus confused for a moment. James pecked his girlfriend on the cheek and looked around.
"Where's Lena?" Lily pointed to the crowd where the girl was dancing with someone they couldn't make out until she led him off the a quite corner.
"Sirius I think you have some family competition over her." Sirius frowned looked over seeing his little brother slip something into her mouth with a smile.
"Over my dead body." He stormed over making a fuss of saying hello to the girl.
"Lena how are you? You look amazing as always! Brother! A word?" He said in a stern voice pulling him away. "Back off, she's mine okay? I saw her first." Regulus chuckled at his brothers warning.
"She's not something to be won Sirius but if you want to play then fine. Let the best man win."

Evangeline slumped down next to Remus on the couch watching the brothers argue.
"Evening Lena." She looked at him with a smile the drugs finally taking hold. "Causing trouble I see."
"Wanna make more?" She asked standing up with a grin holding out her hand "dance with me Remus!" He obliged laughing and she dragged him towards the crowd leaving the black brothers to stop arguing in their confusion. Her back was pressed to Remus as she rocked her hips to the beat, his hands on her waist moving then the way that James had taught him last year. Sirius could feel himself slipping into a rage and slight excitement at seeing her nice that way. She made eye contacted with him across the room and turned arms around Remus' next his leg in between hers as they moved almost getting close enough to kiss him.
The night went on and Sirius kept an eye on the girl watch as she grew more intoxicated and danced with friends. That was until she disappeared into a side room and he decided to follow. He opened the door slipping inside.
"Lena what are you doing." He heard a sniff and saw the girl tip her head back before turning around.
"Siri! Hi!" She giggled throwing the tube back down on the table.
"What is that?" He looked at the white powder lined up on the side and she laughed again.
"It's a muggle thing Siri! It's delightful!" She step forward tripping and falling against the boy. They both laughed as he caught her and she looked up at him with wide eyes. "You're awfully pretty Sirius." She stated and he chuckled brushing her hair out the way.
"Come on I think it's time we get you to bed." She whined in protest and he guided her back out and towards the door. When regulus black stepped in the way and she smiled.
"Reggie!" He chuckled seeing the happy girl a little too out of it.
"Hello sweetheart wanna go have some fun." Before sirius had a chance to say anything she shook her head.
"Siri is taking me home. Sorry Reggie another time."
"Is that so?" Sirius cocked an eyebrow at his brother smirking about this subtle victory and walked the girl to the door.
"You know what Sirius?" She said while stumbling as he pulled her closer and she giggled.
"What's that darling?" She stopped walking a moment taking a deep breath and doing her best impression of someone sober.
"It's a real shame you're a bit of a slut." He practically choked on the cigarette he was lighting.
"And why is that?"
"Because I have quite the crush on you and you do smell rather nice." She stated before giggled and pulling a small bottle out of her pocket taking a swig and offering him some.
"I'll take that as a compliment." He took a swig on the bottle putting it in his jacket so she wouldn't end up more drunk than she already was.
They got to the common room after the nightmare of the stairs and she giggled tripping over something and landing on the couch.
"How did you managed to get so drunk Jesus." He asking taking off her shoes.
"I started on the train this morning" she giggled causing him to do the same as he. Struggled with her laces.
"Stay still." He demanded and something inside her shook with his tone. He undid her laces pulling the shoe of a the sat down surprised to find her drink another bottle that she hand found somewhere.
"If I can't stay at the party don't think for a moment I won't be drinking up here." She giggled and he huffed.
"Can't beat them join them." He pulled out the bottle from earlier and begun drink and she placed her feet in his lap.  "So come on. What happened? Before you were this nerdy kid with glasses we leave for one summer and look at you. What happened?" She laughed shrugging.
"I don't know it just happened." He started laughing and she frowned. "Stop it!" He continued laughing promoting a kick from her which lead to him laughing harder at her drunk movements. She rolled her eyes sitting up and grabbing his collar placing a kiss on his lips which he happily continued until she pulled away.
"What was that?" She laughed a little.
"I was trying to shut you up." He took another swig from the bottle and looked back at her.
"Your brother is going to kill me." She frowned about to question him when he started kissing her again this time pulling her into his lap and running his hands through her hair. "God you have no idea how long I've wanted to do that" she looked into his eyes with a smirk on her face. "What?"
"Don't tell me the great Sirius black is going to leave it after one kiss?" He chuckled as she played with his shirt undoing his tie painfully slow.
"My darling you think I'd be able to stop myself?"

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