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The room feel quiet when she was guided in, the sound of her heals and cane on the ground was the only thing to be heard, she wore all black the same as her husband and was seated at the head of the table, Sirius stood beside her a hand on the back of her chair like a guard dog. It was quite the sight, she was for a long time the richest witch in the world having the combined wealth of her brother and husband after James death and Sirius' imprisonment. And she would love to make sure no one would forget her power again. She alone held the power to grant the succession of the black family line and with it an empire of blood and power. In that moment despite being sat beside the most power wizard of his time, Evangeline black was the most powerful woman in the room, and by far the scariest. Rumours had spread throughout the order and hogwarts alike of the woman who stood her ground against the dark lord and his followers and lives to tell the tale, as damaged has she may have returned she was the first prisoner of the death eaters to return still breathing.
"How are you feeling Evangeline?" She half a smiled and leant back, she wore sunglasses to not scare the children too much. No one dared to speak over her, the whole room waited for a reply wondering how the great mistress of the house of black has coped with torture.
"Better, thank you professor." Sirius gave her a cigarette and she lit it careful feeling out for the ash tray on the table. Sirius looked to each person at the table and almost everyone felt a urge to not say a word against his wife, almost everyone.
"Have you had any thoughts of who was at the meeting you attended?" Someone asked and she signed turning her head to Sirius who pulled a slip of paper from his pocket.
"Sirius help write a list, it contains names and locations where I was... confined..."
"In all due respect miss potter, you were occupied. How do we know if we can trust this list." She hummed flicking the ash from her cigarette before taking a drag.
"Because despite my... affliction... I will never forget the faces of those who sat by and took pleasure in my torture. Mr shacklebolt." Before another word was said a scoff came from the end of the table.
"I would hardly call it torture now." A voice spoke and she gasped in delight.
"I take it the facts of my time away haven't been shared with the order head master?" The silence gave the Awnser she needed. "Tell me mr fletcher, do you consider the curciatous curse torture? How about the imperious curse? Which they used to force me to stab myself over and over."
"I simply meant Mrs black it's hearsay."
"And what I do to you in a moment will be hearsay-"
"Sirius please." Evangeline places a hand over his, she removed her glasses revealing her cloudy eyes that saw a few members turn away. "Believe me mr fletcher, I was I didn't have the proof all over my face. Now, is the matter over?"
"Yes, I apologise Mrs black."
"Now, I trust that anymore objections to my validity are now gone. And need I remind you... my husband has been gracious enough to allow this meeting to take place in our home, I find it a great disrespect to not only me but him and the name of the family, that's without taking to account the safe houses and money we have supplied the cause with, but I digress. You come here, take advantage of our hospitality and you thank us by questioning my character and sanity? Now, I may have lost my sight... but unlike some of you I kept my dignity and my drive to end this. So please, when you decide to formulate a plan let me know." She stood up leaning on her chain slightly. "And please gentlemen, never mistake me for a weak minded victim again. I will burn every last death eater including Voldemort himself if I have to, now if you don't mind I will retire for the evening." Sirius took her hand and walked her to the door leaving the room silent other than Remus who hid his face in his hands attempting not to laugh.

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