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The classroom was a loud that morning, and god did slughorn know it. After attempting to conduct the class he simply needed a moment.
"I will be back momentarily." And off the man went. Lena sat on a table with her feet on a chair laughing with lily and the boys laughed amongst eachother.
"I don't know I think they're all pretty self centred." Lena said looking over them.
"Easy for you to say Lena one is your brother." Lily giggled, lena caught the eye of Sirius who raised an eyebrow and winked before returning to his conversation.
"Haven't you fucked everyone in that group other than James lena?" The class fell silent as she looked over her shoulder at snape, the boy who never learned to keep his mouth shut. "You know the slytherins call you the whore of grifindor, though I've see you with regulus wouldn't surprise me if-" Sirius got up but before anything was done she had her wand out and the boy by the collar.
"Yep and after all that I still won't fuck you, ain't that telling of you. Open your mouth to be again and I'll end you snape." She let go about to walked away when James fist connected with his face followed by Sirius yanking the boy from his stool and straight onto the ground.
They all returned to their seats leaving him on the ground when slughorn walked in seeing snape on the ground and a quite class.
"Snivilous fell off his stool sir."
"Ah right, snape off you go to the infirmary. Anyway, today class I want you in pairs. We will be brewing today." The continued with the class speaking about armotentia and how to go about making it, after an hour the potions were made and Lena sat not overly paying attention until her name was called.
"Miss potter? Would you like to share with the class what you smell?" She looked over at the pot before closing her eyes and smelling.
"Oak... whiskey and... cigarettes sir." She went back to drawing in her book and humming to herself until the bell rang. She made her way out of the class before someone dragged her into a closet. "Godsake Sirius! You have to stop doing this someone will catch us."
"Tell me you were lying." He begged as she frowned as his rapid speech.
"What are you talking about?"
"Please, Lena tell me it wasn't true." She rolled her eyes trying to leave but he stopped her. "The armotentia, what did you smell?" The realisation hit her.
"You! Sirius I smelt you." He cursed under his breath, she hadn't noticed it before only used to these intimate spaces with him the intoxicating smell that came with it. "Sirius how is this a bad thing? You've told me how you feel." She tried to calm him a little but his quick breathing and shaking hands clung to her.
"I know, I know and it's silly really. I know how I feel but I hoped that I was wrong because well..."
"Because? Sirius you're not making sense."
"I am scared Lena. I'm scared to hurt you, to love you and to be loved. That's why I haven't told James yet and that is why I insist on sneaking around with you. I am frightened Evangeline, I am frightened that I am not enough." His tears fell freely and she felt as though her heart may break on the spot.
"Sirius..." she cupped his face forcing him to look at her. "My dear Sirius... you are and always will be more than enough, we will do this and we will do this together." His hands came to her face still shaking slightly.
"Together?" She gave a warm smile placing her forehead against his.
"Always." She place a kiss on his lips and held him close, closer still than anyone ever had. "Sirius?"
"Yes my darling?"
"What did you smell?" He smiled a little and tipped her head back to look up at him.
"Lemongrass and lavender with a hint of cigarettes."
"Yes my darling girl. I smelt you."
They made a pact there in that tiny closet that the next day they were to tell James together and the rest would figure itself out.

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