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"Sirius please!" She screamed, he was frozen helpless to watch his brother kick and hit her over and over. A hand gripped his shoulder, he felt the breath of the person on the back of his neck.
"I told you I would destroy everything you hold dear."  The girls screams and sobs filled the room, it was like watching a car crash. She laid there in a feral position, a kick was delivered to her stomach and then regulus walked away panting from the exertion.
"Sirius, please make it stop." He looked at her bloody face and then down at the wand in his hand.
"Go on boy do it."
"Please sirius, it hurts so much. Make it stop hurting." She wouldn't stop begging and crying.
"Do it!" Sirius was sobbing now as his father screamed for him to do it. "I knew you were a coward!" His father marched over to her grabbing her hair and dragging her to her feet as she screamed.
"No! No! Please! Sirius!"
"No!" He shouted as the blade was driven into her stomach. She fell to her knees holding the knife as blood ran down her body.
"Put her out of her misery sirius." He shook his head crying. "Now sirius!"
"Fine!" He looked at her, her eyes almost begging him.
"Please make it stop."
"Avada kedavra."

Sirius woke up throwing up in the bin beside his bed. He grabbed his shirt getting up.
"You alright pads?" He noticed how close Remus was to him and tried to push him away. "Wow wow."
"Lena, I need to- where is she?"
"Sirius slow down, what happened? You were screaming in your sleep." Remus kept a grip on his arm refusing to let go.
"Please Remus, I need to see her."
"Okay..." Remus nodded noticing the tears in his friends eyes and the rapid movements of his breathing.  "Okay, Let's go."
The two walked through the common room knocking on the girls door. Lily opened the door with sleepy eyes.
"Sirius? Remus? What's up?" Sirius was erratic trying to look past her.
"Lena? Where's Lena?" Lily frowned trying to make sense of it all in her sleepy haze.
"She's not here... she went out about an hour ago." Sirius began to cry and Remus caught him from collapsing where he stood.
"Lily, Sirius is going through something. Could you go wake james up please? Guy can sleep through anything." She nodded grabbing her robe and hurrying off. "Let's get you to the common room okay? Get a drink and calm down."
"No Remus I need to find her, something bass happened I know it."

After half an hour the 5 friends sat in the common room. The map was gone, so was James' cloak and so was his sister. Sirius was pacing up and down the common room muttering to himself.
"Do you had a dream that Lena died..."
"No I killed her, my dad made me. He- she wouldn't stop screaming and begging me to do it." James was unsettled to say the least. "Did she- did she say anything before she left?" Lily shook her head trying to think still very much half asleep. "This is important lily!"
"Hey!" James shouted at him. "We're all worried Sirius don't start on lily."
"I'm sorry, you're right. Sorry lily." Peter looked up from the fire suddenly.
"Sirius how long have you been having nightmares?" James looked at his friends and it clicked.
"Since I left home."
"Oh Merlin! Sirius!" James grabbed his book and flicked through the pages. "You got hit with a spell right from your dad? You didn't know what it was." Remus looked at the book james was holding out and groaned.
"Holy shit."
"What?" Sirius looked at the book.
"It's a curse, makes the victims dream of its fears." Sirius sat down with the book in his hands, he was shaking as he read the passage. Then the door opened, Evangeline threw the cloak on the floor pausing in the entrance. Sirius shot up pacing to her and catching her in bone bone crushing hug.
"Oh thank Merlin." He started to cry and she hugged him back looking over his shoulder at everyone.
"What's wrong? What happened?"
Remus came over pulling Sirius away and sitting him down.
"Where were you?" James asked unable to hide his anger.
"I couldn't sleep so I snuck out for a smoke. Peeves was in the hall so I had to wait it out. What's going on?" Remus rubbed his friends back.
"See pads? Told you she'd be fine."
"Sirius has a nightmare curse, he dreamed you died. He's been inconsolable for the last hour." She walked over kneeling infront of her boyfriend holding his hands.
"Sirius... is that true?" He nodded with his tears glittering in the fire light. "Oh honey..."
"We'll go to mcgonigal in the morning, she can reverse it. We should all get back to bed."
"No! Please don't make me sleep again!" Sirius started to hyperventilate.
"Okay okay, calm down okay? I'll stay up with you." Lena wiped his tears away and kissed his forehead while stroking his hair. "I'll stay."

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