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The boys sat there deciding that both Sirius and James and Remus would keep an eye out with Peter, the two boys sat there James taking a shaky breath as he begun to spin the necklace. Everything around them moved backwards before the necklace stopped.
"What time is it?" James asked looking at the empty bed his sister was just in.
"10. I had met you outside at 8 meaning she's in the library." The two ran down the halls sneaking inside the library that's when they heard it.
"Crucio." The scream that ripped through the room was heart wrenching, the boys hid trying to work out a plan Sirius peaked round the corner seeing the three boys and a body on the ground. Every now and then a kick or punch was delivered to the helpless girl, before the tie was ripped from her mouth.
"Oh sweetheart.." regulus knelt down, wand in hand he ran a hand through her hair before gripping it hard and resting his wand against her neck. "Sirius isn't here to save you now..."
"Regulus please..." she begged, the sound made James break completely, he had to clamp his hands over his mouth to stop from making a noise. Sirius watched closely at the bloodied girl looking to his once loving brother who showed no emotion at all.
"Regulus please" he mocked laughing a little, the first bit of emotion he had shown all night. "God you sound pathetic. You know the fun thing about the crucatous curse? You have to really want to hurt someone for it to work."
"I'm sorry." She cried out. "I'm sorry regulus."
"Oh I bet you are sweetheart... I bet." He raised his wand when Sirius walked around the corner wand drawn.
"Regulus! Stop!" James followed his lead as regulus turned to face them, a bloody hand gripping his wand.
"Oh wow... look Lena." He pulled her to her knees infront of him. Her eyes were heavy with exhaustion and her face was so bloody Sirius could hardly tell it was her. "Guess I was wrong. They came all this way to save you." She whimpered as he snickered. "Barty, Evan. Go to bed I've got this. Let them pass or the next curse will be a killing one." They let the two leave and James grew nervous at the amount of blood dripping from her body.
"Regulus come on. You made your point, let her go." James begged as he gripped her hair a little tighter.
"Oh but I do James. The dark lord is going to be so pleased when he hears about this." Sirius' heart shattered. Regulus saw it as well and he laughed at his brother for showing any sign of weakness.
"You're a death eater?" Regulus held out his arm in response the dark mark bold on his pale skin.
"And proud brother. Tell me? What's your plan? Rush in here all hero like and what? Reason with me? You lost that right the moment you left me to the dogs." Evangelines eyes began to flutter slightly and she found it hard to stay upright, something regulus noticed. He bent down to her ear whispering to her and her eyes went wide like a dear in headlights.
"You know how this ends?" James stepped forward. "This ends with you killing her regulus. She's your friend! She stood up for you all this time! Do you really want her dead?" Regulus hesitated for a moment, Sirius was struggling to grip the face he was to blame. "There's no way out regulus. Just let her go and we can forget this ever happened, we won't tell anyone you did this okay? Just please let my sister go." James could see the panick on his face, he hesitation. It all happened so fast.
"Regulus please don't hurt her anymore."
"Fuck you sirius! Crucio!" The spell hit her neck and face. The blast sent her to the ground blood spraying up the three boys Sirius tackled his brother to the ground sending regulus' wand across the room Sirius started hitting him. James rushed to his sister, her body convulsing as she struggled for breath. Regulus threw a punch knocking Sirius to the ground and taking off. Sirius got up ready to follow when he heard James.
"Sirius she's not breathing! Help me!" He stumbled over pushing James away.
"Go get help. Wake the whole castle i don't care okay. Go." James ran off and Sirius looked at his girlfriend starting to push on her chest. "Don't you dare give up on me now." He leant over blowing air into her lungs then pumping her chest again before she gasped, she was panting rapidly then and still convulsing. Sirius held her trying to keep pressure on her wounds as he spoke to her.

Help came and the two boys hid until time reset and they walked to the infirmary opening the doors.
"Well?" Remus asked.
"We were too late to completely stop the attack but, she's alive." James came and sat down next to her exhausted.

It took two days for her to wake up, and when she did it was horrific. The screams she let out were soul crushing. James and Remus had gone to help bring the food up from the great hall while sirius and lily watched her.
"Go get James!" He shouted to lily grabbing the small girl cupping her face. "Hey! Hey! It's me! Lena!" Her eyes opened and her lip quivered.
"God it hurts." She cried out allowing him to hug her. She sobbed into him allowing herself to be pulled into his lap as he rubbed her back kissing tree top of her head.
"I know darling, I've got you. You're safe now, it's all over." He whispered rocking her back and forth. The doors open and James looked over at the two.
"Evangeline?" She looked up at her brother. She cried out trying to get up but her lack of strength betrayed, Sirius helped her to stand and she latched on to her brother sobbing. "You scared me half to death."

After an hour or so she had cried herself back to sleep in Sirius' arms and the two sat in silence.
"Stop blaming yourself I see the guilt all over your face."
"James, if I hadn't run away this would never have happened."
"If you didn't you would be dead."James was right, James was always right. Sirius looked down at her noticing she was awake but she looked frozen.
"Hey..." he said shaking her slightly. "Lena?" James got up kneeling infront of her.
"Lee?" He looked at his friend with worry. "Keep trying I'll get dumbledor." James ran from the room like his life depended upon it.
"Evangeline? Hey look at me." He turned her face and her eyes met his. They were cold and dead looking straight at him, she still didn't make a sound. She didn't even blink. The door opened and in came the two professors following James. "She won't even blink." Sirius said in a panic looking to the two.
"Can you help her?" The teachers looked at each other and dumbledor pulled out his wand, after a he mutter a phrase and closed his eyes the girl gasped and gripped Sirius' hand, she groaned in pain and let out a silent scream as she arched her back. "What's happening."
"I bought her out of shock, this is the after effects of the curse. Normally people pass out from this much pain." He said matter of factly.
"Albus surely we can help the poor girl this is too much for her."
"Give her a moment." He body completely relaxed, she blinked a few time before looking around. "Sirius help her sit up." She did as asked and she winced looking to the water on the side. He got her a glass helping her drink while James adjusted her pillows. She didn't speak a word. "Can you tell us what happened?" She shook her head and albus sat with a pitiful smile. "Did regulus black do this to you." She looked at Sirius with panic in her eyes.
"It's okay Lena, if he did this you need to tell us." She nodded to dumbledor looking sad.
"Did he use the curciatous curse child?" She nodded letting her tears fall. Mcgonigal put a hand to her chest feeling sick.
"Albus that boy needs to go and his friends, he should be turned over to the ministry this instant. The unforgivable on another student, a girl none the less."
"I know Minerva. Miss potter I must know was anything else done to you?" She bit her lip attempting to keep herself crying anymore. "Sirius, James, step outside a moment please." The boys got up and left the room after placing a rub on her shoulder and a kiss atop her head. "Miss potter, you were found with... a remarkable amount of blood around you tell me for how long did regulus black torture you for." She begun to sob harder and mcgonigal ran forward consoling the poor girl.
"Hours." She confessed crying to her professor.
"Marlins beard, Albus call the ministry and the girls parents." In that moment Lena began to breathe rapidly her out a hand to her chest and mcgonigal rushed to her side. "Miss potter what is it?" She gasped as her eyes rolled back.
"One will betray them all..." her voice was strangled and failed to sound like her as she gripped the covers, her body tending and contorting in a way that was unnatural and violent. "Two will die by his hand, two left alone and one on deaths door... the mark will seal his fate..."
"Evangeline who do you speak of?!" Dumbledor shouted grabbing her shoulders.
"Who child!"
"The mark will seal their fate..." then as if nothing happened her body slammed into the mattress leaving her out of breath and crying. Mcgonigal consoled the girl letting her head lay in her lap while she gripped the teacher. Albus took a moment to straighten his robes.
"Miss potter do you wish for your brother and mr black to know of this."
"Albus now is not the time to ask this." The girl shook her head continuing to cry.

Sirius couldn't handle it, he was two seconds away from finding his brother and hurting him so badly it would put his mother to shame. The doors opened and dumbledor stepped out, he looked solemn as he stepped towards the boys.
"I would give them a moment, she is quite upset. I'm going to be calling your parents if miss potter wishes to not return to hogwarts for the remainder of the year then that is perfectly fine given the circumstances. Tread lightly. And boys, well done your actions saw that a girl didn't loose her life."
"He can't know right?" James said to Sirius who shrugged.
"I think the head master knows more than we think."

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