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She smiled to him fondly as he pulled his jacket on and placed a kiss on his lips.
"I'll have dinner waiting for you and Harry." He smiled embracing her for a moment.
"Are you sure you don't want to come with me to get him? He's missed you terribly." She straightened his tie and dusted off his shoulders smoothing out the material of his coat.
"You twe have much to talk about. Go, I'll be right here waiting." He smiled saying a goodbye and left the manor.

"Happy to be home?" Sirius asked climbing out the car with harry grabbing his bags.
"Sirius, what is that?" He followed the boys eyeline to the burning mark on the half open door.
"Harry... get back in the car."
"Get back in the car and send headwig to Remus. Send a note telling him it's happened again. Do not get out of the car you understand?" Harry protested and Sirius grabbed his shoulders. "Do you understand harry?"
"Yes" Sirius nodded his body filled with fear.
"Off with you then." He waited until he was in the car with the letter sent before drawing his wand and walking to the front door. "Lena!" He called into the home. That smell it was familiar to him. He couldn't place it. He stepped inside and too the parlour seeing the flames of the fireplace had not long died, he knelt down picking up the broken wand on the ground. "Evangeline! Sweetheart? Where are you!" He began to panic walking around the couch to see a pool of blood on the ground and the unmistakable drag marks leading from the room. He followed the wand in hand to the kitchen. There on the table was her wedding ring and a letter.

Hand over the prophecy and she will return.

His tears began to fall as he let out a horrific scream the door burst open and he turned wand ready only to see Remus before him.
"They've taken her. She's gone Remus."

She choked on her own pain for a moment dangling there above the table, a steady drop fell from her body and the cuts on her chest bled.
"Miss potter here is going to be staying with us until a certain prophecy is given to us. Until then I thought we may have some fun." She choked again trying to struggle against the spell keeping her there.
"My lord if I may?" She heard peters voice and felt sick. "Why would we wait when the one who foretold it is right here?" She heard hushed whispered and suddenly she fell hitting the table hard enough to knock the wind out of her.
"Is this true?"
"After the attack by regulus black my lord. She began having visions. She told me her self dumbledor was the one who had her record them." A hand grabbed her face tilting it to the side looking straight to the dark lord.
"Is that so..." a fire burned in her eyes as the once man chuckled. "Tell me wormtail what attack was inflicted on our friend here."
"Don't you dare Peter! I will never-" a wand was pushed to her throat.
"You have no right to speak!" Bellatrix shouted rather close to her face.
"The cruitatous curse my lord." Peter said quickly she closed her eyes in defeat knowing it had sealed her fate.
"Very well..."

Her screams had shaken Malfoy manor for hours now. She lay on the ground unable to move.
"Lena..." a voice spoke out she opened her eyes and found herself in the library at hogwarts in her school robes. She walked out into the halls following the voice calling her name and there he was. Perched on a window ledge.
"Regulus." He smiled warmly and closed his book
"Hello princess." She looked around.
"Am I dead?" He leaned back pulling a cigarette from his robes.
"No it's not your time yet. You're just... discovering things..." she frowned and he got up nodding for her to follow. They stood in the restricted section of the library and she felt sick.
"Why are we here?" He leant back against the shelves.
"Because I need to explain things."
"Explain how you tortured me?" He shook his head.
"I gave you a gift that night. I made you stronger."
"I didn't need to be strong regulus I was a child. I needed a friend." He pulled a book off the shelf shrugging.
"It wasn't me you know... I wouldn't have done it willingly." She felt herself welling up.
"Then why regulus? The way I see it you're the reason I'm here right now." He paused placing the book down again finally looking at her.
"By then I was already a death eater. It was a way to prove my loyalty, after that night I realised what I had done. For weeks all I could hear was you begging and screaming, that's when I found out about Voldemort and his plans that was when I turned away and went rogue." She felt nothing but anger and he chuckled. "There it is! That anger! Use it Lena. Hold on to it. It will keep you sane in the curse." She scoffed at him.
"Another gift?" He smirked the same smirk as Sirius.
"I trained you for this Lena. Like it or not, thankful or not. Don't you dare break. Don't give them the satisfaction, like you never gave it to me."
The room shifted and she frowned.
"Regulus! Regulus wait!" She looked around at the room she was left in and knew it from somewhere but couldn't place it. Then she heard that chuckled.
"Gonna turn around or what?" She shook her head starting to cry.
"I'm scared if I do you'll disappear" footsteps came closer and a hand came to rest on her shoulder.
"I won't." She finally turned and looked up at her brother.
"Oh god Jamie." She grabbed him into a hug and began to sob. "I came back that night. I made harry safe then I came back I couldn't leave you alone like that."
"I know."
"I kept tell you about the damned wand how could you forget it! Why would you leave me like that! Leave harry!"
"I'm sorry."
"I hate you so much James."
"I love you too Lena." She cried harder as he held her kissing the top of her head. "My poor baby sister... I'm so sorry." He held her face looking over her face examining for something. "You look tired..." she held his hands on her face taking a moment to feel his touch again.
"I am Jamie. I'm so tired."
"You can't give up okay? Not yet. Don't you give in." She cried harder her knees starting to give out.
"I can't James. Please I want to stay here with you. I can't take it anymore."
"Hey!" He grabbed her shoulders holding her up from sinking and tightened his jaw. "You are Evangeline black! Your are the strongest woman I have ever met. You have my blood and my strength. You have sirius' strength. And you have lilys. You will survive this. You're going to wake up and you're going to give them hell. Once you are ready I will be here waiting okay? But today is not your time. Do you understand?" She choked on a sob feeling the world shift again. "Do you understand me!"
"Yes!" She shouted as his grip faded and the world became black.

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