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James leant back on the sofa after taking a glass from Sirius who now came to sit across from him with his own glass.
"So you're going with her?" Sirius nodded in Awnser to his friend looking around the now empty living room aside from a few boxes here and there.
"I can't leave her prongs she's pregnant. I'm not going to abandon my child." James was struggling by now, call it fatherly exhaustion for stress but he snapped slightly shocking his brother in law at the words.
"You was okay abandoning her before you found out though?" James clamped a hand over his mouth shocked that he had even said it, he was mentally cursing himself for not keeping a handle on it.
"Prongs, mate, I wasn't abandoning her. I was trying to keep her safe but I can't expect her to do this alone." Sirius was suddenly very uncomfortable with this conversation until James huffed and gave a charming smile.
"I know mate, sorry. Just tired harry was up most of the night, he's teething." Sirius suddenly looked very sad when it dawned on the two that Sirius would miss his godson grow until after the war.
"What if he doesn't remember me prongs?" James smiled hopefully, ever the optimist he wasn't worried at all.
"Course he will! You're his uncle padfoot! Don't worry Sirius everything is going to work out. Actually I need to speak to you about that." James shuffled forward in his seat and so did Sirius, mirroring eachother which they did quite a lot. "I found a loophole to the whole no contact shit... dumbledor wants us to name a secret keeper right?"
"Yeah?" James held his arms out dramatically as he said it.
"Be mine? Then we can keep in contact and you guys can still see harry and I can be there when the baby is born." Sirius smirked and then it faltered for a moment but James didn't notice getting up to fix himself another drink. "I'm not saying I'm a fucking genius but pads, I'm a fucking genius!" He turned around leaning back against the table seeing the sad look on Sirius' face. "What?"
"I can't do it prongs."
"The fuck do you mean you can't?" James suddenly got really close to Sirius who shook his head.
"I've followed you everywhere James, but I can't this time. They know how close we are, if they get to me they'll know I'm the secret keeper." James teared up placing a hand on his friends shoulder. "I can't follow you James, my priority is keeping you lily and harry safe. And to do that I can't know where you are." James stepped away turning his back on Sirius trying to hide his crying and not damage his own pride.
"I'll ask Lena then."
"No," Sirius stood up looking at James, he cried freely at the thought of not seeing James again. "Ask Peter. No one will suspect him, I've asked Remus, I can trust him with Lena's life. The last the world saw we weren't exactly on the best terms no one will put 2 and 2 together." James started sobbing uncontrollably and Sirius placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's not goodbye, it's a see you later alright?" The two locked in an embrace as they cried together.

It was agreed, to anyone else Sirius was the secret keeper. The switch was made. James stood outside the home watching Lena say goodbye to harry and hold him tightly. Sirius went over not ready yet to say bye to his best friend. She gave the baby to him and looked at lily who was fighting her tears.
"Don't you dare cry lily." Lena warned but it was impossible, lily burst into tears. Lena hugged her and lily looked down at the growing bump.
"Bye, you be good for you mama... she's going to do so good." Lily looked at her friend. "I'm going to write everything down, I'll take so many photos. Then when all this is over it will be like we never missed a thing." She nodded refusing to cry. Lily went to Sirius and Lena looked at her brother and her lip quivered.
"Don't." His voice cracked and she let her tears fall running and hugging him. "God I'm gonna miss you."
"Remember when we were little and I used to have to go to those boring etiquette classes all week? It's gonna be just like that, I'm gonna come home and we're gonna sneak a beer and catch up okay?" James laughed hugging her and closing his eyes.
"You tell that kid all about their uncle Jamie and how much you used to terrorise him." She smiled trying to stop her crying.
"Evie? Wanna help me get harry in the car?" She nodded and James stopped her for a moment wiping a tear away with his thumb.
"You look just like mum, I never told you it. But you're just like her." She placed a hand on his chest.
"Right here okay? We're right here." She walked round the car taking harry from Sirius and walking to get him in the car.
"Well here we are pads." James sniffed looking at Sirius who stood with his hands in his pockets. "You know it's not to late to change your mind."
"It's for the best prongs... you know that." James watched his sister put his son in his seat being careful to not cry all over him. The two leant against the fence cigarettes lit a hand in a pocket.
"You look after her yeah? I don't want a single mark on my sister."
""I promise." James nodded sniffing again and looking up at the full moon.
"We should be with Mooney tonight, instead we're going on the run." Sirius gave a curt nod almost scared that if she started crying he wouldn't stop. Sirius let out a cloud of smoke and shook his head.
"This is wrong, it's all wrong." James looked at his friend who was now crying. "Ill see you soon prongs." James turned hugging him, the two stayed like that for a moment until Sirius patted his back and pulled away.
"See you later padfoot." Sirius put his arms around his wife as the potters got in the car and with one final look they disappeared into the night. Sirius and Lena walked down the street stopping at their own car.
"Guess it's our turn."
"Where are we going?" Sirius opened the car door for her.
"Wherever we want my darling."

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