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It was a hot night at the end of July the phone rang and Evangeline stirred to her husband walking back in.
"We have to go."
"What?" She clicked on the light sitting up and Sirius grab clothes and shoved them into a bag.
"It's happening." She pushed the covered up quickly running to shove some clothes on. By the time she was ready Sirius was at the front door with the bags. They got to James' several minutes later and Lena ran upstairs to help lily. James was fretting and smoking like a trooper.
"I promised to give up when baby is here. I better smoke that whole pack by tonight." Sirius smiled grabbing his friends shoulders
"You're gonna be a dad."

God it took hours, James had called Remus and Peter. They were all gathered nervously in the lounge when Lena walked in drying her hands on a towel.
"Jamie..." he sprang up running to his sister.
"Is she okay? Is the baby alright?" She smiled a little.
"Jamie you have a son." He let out a breath, with his eyes tearing up he put his hands over his face.
"A son?" She nodded and he smiled hugging his sister tightly. "I have a son." She smiled pushing him off.
"Go!" He ran up the stairs stopping in the doorway at the sight of his wife in the bed holding the tiny baby with a smile on her face. He walked over leaning over her.
"Hi..." he kissed lily on the top of her head and cried a little. "He's beautiful." She smiled passing the baby to him.
"Harry this is your dad." James took the baby with a smile sitting down next to lily and grabbing her hand.
"God look at him..." he looked at her with a smile. "I could not be more I love with you right now." The two laughed and harry opened his eyes looking up at his father. "Oh lily... he has your eyes..." Lena walked back in finishing cleaning up and she smiled a the scene snapping a quick photo.
"Sorry, just wanted to catch the moment." Lily smiled hearing the hushed voices from downstairs
"Is that the boys?" Lena nodded rolling her eyes
"I told them to wait downstairs. You don't need them all in here."
"It's okay, wanna introduce him to his uncles?" Lena nodded.
"We can do it downstairs, you need to rest." James nodded.
"Can you take him Lee? I'll help lily clean up." She nodded walking over and taking her nephew with a smile. She left the room and James hugged his wife.

Downstairs Lena walked slowly to the lounge where Peter looked up, he grabbed Sirius and pointed. He paused for a moment seeing his wife stood with a bundle of blankets.
"Is that...."
"Harry these are your uncles." She whispered to the baby, Remus looked over and his heart stopped he had visions of the life he could've had if he just spoke up. This happy moment was clouded by that for him. Sirius walked over to her, he placed a hand on her shoulder and reached out letting the babies fingers wrap around his finger.
"Hey Harry... Mooney come look at him!" Remus came over and before long there they all were doting over the baby in Lena's arms.
"Wanna hold him?" She said to Remus and he nodded nervously. "Okay hold him here... that's it.... Support his head... there you go." Remus smiled looked at Lena with eyes full of something she didn't want to acknowledge, she smiled a little and stepped back into Sirius' arms letting him rest his chin on her shoulder looking at harry lovingly.
"I can't wait til we have one." Sirius said, Remus' smile dropped but he was quick to cover it passing the baby to Sirius and ducking into the kitchen for a drink. "Hey little man..." Lena broke away finding Remus looking out the kitchen window.
"Hey... you alright..."
"I can't keep doing this Lena..." he didn't look at her, he couldn't. She looked down not knowing what to say. "I have to tell Sirius, he has a right to know." He went to go to him but she got in his way.
"Remus, he is meeting his godson for the first time, do not ruin this day." Remus paused looking down at her suddenly aware at how close they were. He leant in and she backed up. "Remus."
"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking... I should go...." She didn't stop him this time. He left the house that night and she walked back into the living room.
"Where's Mooney gone?"
"He wasn't feeling well."

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