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"No, absolutely not."
"No I don't care."
"I said no!"
"Evangeline!" She flinched slightly sitting across from her husband lighting a cigarette.
"He's just a child Sirius!" Her eyes weld up at the thought. "He's not ready to go out on his own, he's just a child."
"A child who has seen more death than the both of us, a child who was born to end this war. Darling, sending him away is the last thing I want to do trust me... but he will be safer on the run and far away from the politics of all this." She blew out a cloud of smoke and rubbed her forehead.
"I'll take him, we can work out a plan and-"
"Lena... darling..."
"No Sirius!" She got up and paced up and down smoking her cigarette then lighting another. "He's too young, we could go to the summer house from my parents-"
"Lena..." she shook her head trying to think.
"Then to the house we bought in the country."
"Evangeline please." He got up grabbing her shoulders and she started to cry. "He needs to do this alone, we can't go with him this time. You know that it isn't safe, we need to let him go..."
"He's all we have left of them Sirius..." she choked on a sob and he pulled her into his chest as she cried.
"I know darling, but we can't hold onto him forever..."

It broke her heart, she sat on the stairs watching him get ready. It was taking everything she had not to cry.
"He's going to be alright." Remus reassured her standing on the other side of the banister. She looked at him and huffed as Sirius talked to him about the little things.
"I can't do this Remus, I can't watch him leave like I watched James leave." She got up and harry looked her way.
"Auntie?" She gave him a small smile and held her arms out which he waisted no time in running to her and hugging her. She let out a heart broken sigh and pulled away holding his shoulders.
"Now you listen good harry, you make sure you drink plenty of water. Eat plenty and stay off the roads okay? When you get to one stop send me a letter to this address..." she handed him a slip of paper. "It's a safe house, there's a note pad in your bag of safe houses me and Sirius have if you ever get unstuck."
"Auntie please, can we just say goodbye. Please don't lecture me." She smiled a little and punched his cheeky.
"Just like your father, forgive me for not watching you leave alright? There's a letter in your bag I want you to read it when you're far from here okay? I love you harry." He hugged her tightly almost shaking at the thought of leaving.
"I love you too, thank you for raising me."
"I did a good job didn't I?" She laughed letting her tears fall.
"Harry it's time." Ron spoke from the doorway and she rubbed his back taking a shaky breath.
"Bye auntie." She gasped letting go of the boy and looking at him one last time.
"You come home safe Harry James potter. I want my boy home in one piece, you all look after eachother now!" Harry walked towards the door and she started making her way up the stairs unable to watch.
"Evangeline!" Harry shouted and she turned around ready to scold him for using her name. "Thank you for being my mum."
"Oh..." he walked out the door and she sunk to the floor gripping the banister. Sirius rushed to her holding her tightly as she sobbed.
"He's going to be alright darling, he's going to be fine."

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