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Life in hiding was almost blissful, not a care in the world. Lily and James had settled in, harry even took his first steps in Goodrich's hallow. It was a bittersweet moment that saw lily an absolute mess after that fact that everyone had missed it, James reassured her that he would write a letter to Peter to pass on to the others. A few weeks later they were working up theories about what Sirius and Lenas baby would be like, James had joked to lily about having another child when Harry was a little older.
A few towns over in a Manor House in the middle of nowhere Sirius black came home to his wife curled up on the sofa with a book, she looked up with tired eyes when he walked in. It was like this most days, he would go off and work with the order then after driving aimlessly to make sure he wasn't being followed he would head back to the house finding his wife waiting, he had grown concerned for how sick her pregnancy was making her. They had seen so many doctors under a false name to check the baby and she was on countless positions and was becoming increasingly sick of being poked a prodded.
"I told you not to wait up..." he said sternly, she know it came from a place of love and concern she couldn't help but  smile as he came over kneeling infront of her brushing the hair out of her face and looking over her with worried eyes.
"I know I couldn't sleep..." he smiled a little, placing a hand on her stomach which as the doctors had said was smaller than they liked, it would all be okay he assured himself everyday knowing he was just worrying for the sake of it.
"How you feeling today? Hope the little one hasn't been misbehaving." She smiled a little placing a hand over his and moving it slightly, he felt the small tap under his palm and smiled.
"She knows her dads home."
"She?" Lena nodded smiling.
"I just have a feeling..." Sirius smiled standing up and holding out a hand.
"Come on I think it's bed time." She got up with a bit of help and placed a hand over her stomach, Sirius lead her tenderly up the stairs and helped her into bed.
"How was the meeting?" He looked over his shoulder as he unbuttoned his shirt letting out a sigh. She coughed a little and he felt that prang of concern again but pushed it down. She developed it just after moving away, the doctors assured him it was just stress and the baby but no matter what they did it still lingered.
"A few more attacks, they're assuring me it's nothing to worry about. Dumbledor is pretty confident he has the information to end this war, I saw Remus today. He asked after you." She didn't know how to feel about the remark she hadn't seen him in so long and it wasn't exactly the best terms when they left things.
"What did you say?" Sirius turned around throwing his shirt in the laundry.
"That my beautiful wife is perfect and happily growing our amazing child." She scoffed a little rolling her eyes at his smirk, Sirius black never missed an opportunity to brag to someone about his achievements, his wife being his favourite to brag about.
"Have you heard from James?" Sirius paused, he didn't tell her about the switch with peter how could he? She would be out of her mind with worry knowing there no contact at all, Sirius' lie was giving his wife a bit of piece of mind that all was well. Sirius gave a smile waving a hand.
"Oh he's fine. Harry's getting big, got all his teeth apparently."
"And lily?"
"Oh she's fine, missing you but she's alright." Lena looked a little sad as her husband crawled into bed putting an arm around her. "We will all be together soon my love."
"Think we'll be home by Christmas? We've already missed Harry's first birthday I don't want to miss another moment with him."
"Of course we will darling, you wait! Christmas is going to be amazing! Little harry toddling about the place playing with the tree... our little one a few weeks away from coming, you'll be glowing. Me and james bickering with Peter over quidditch while remus shouts to shut up, you and lily will be catching up on life. It's going to be brilliant." She hummed in response her sleepy state betraying her as she laid against his chest, the picture he painted was a beautiful one, one that sent her further into dreams of sweet nothing.
"I hope you're right."
"You wait darling, this is going to be our year."

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