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Remus could've sworn he remembered it all. He sat in dumbledors office the blood still on his hands as people shouted. James and Peter, they were shouting.
"It wasn't his fault sir!" He sat there with his head down looking at the flakes of blood.
"Be that as it may there has to be some fallout for this a boy was almost killed!" Remus looked up with tears in his eyes.
"Is he okay professor? Please tell me he's okay?" Dumbledor huffed sitting down.
"Mr snape will live, madam pomfry has healed the worst but we must hope he doesn't tell a soul. Now all of you return to your dorms. Detention for the next month." Remus got up stumbling out the office followed by the others.
"How did he even know..." was all Remus could ask in that moment.
"We came as soon as we heard." Lena and lily were infront of them a look of concern on both of them.
"Remus? Are you alright?" Lena reached out but he backed away.
"Don't. I'm dangerous." Their hearts broke as their friend was reduced to tears.
"Remus... you aren't. You're our Mooney you would never hurt us intentionally." They all walked to the dorms doing their best to cheer him up but he was inconsolable.
"How did he even know to get past the whomping willow anyway?" James thought aloud and Peter looked over.
"Sirius you're awfully quite." Sirius shrugged pouring himself a drink.
"Not much to say is there." He brushed it off and Remus frowned looking at his friend.
"It was you..." Sirius leant back against the wall sipping his drink.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Holy fucking shit." James rubbed his face knowing Remus was right.
"Sirius..." Lena looked at him in horror. "Please tell me you're joking?" He shrugged only for a punch to be delivered to his jaw my Remus. "Shit! James help me!" She tried to break them up but James pulled her away.
"Let him Lee."
"Are you fucking crazy Remus! Stop!" Peter tried to drag the pair apart and Lena looked at her brother. "Stop them James!" Lily shouted and he huffed breaking them up. Lena helped Sirius up but he pulled away from her.
"You fucking dick! Why would you do that to me!"
"Because I know you sleeping with my girlfriend!" Sirius screamed and the room fell silent.
"Are you fucking delusional!" Remus shouted going for him again and Lena stepped back feeling sick.
"You think we would do that to you?" Was all she said with tears in her eyes.
"I see you two together! Laughing! the touching! The fucking privet time! Don't think I'm stupid Lena!"
"Well you fucking are Sirius! So instead of fucking asking you nearly killed someone and put Remus in danger!"
"He wasn't in danger!" She slapped him hard shocked at her own actions.
"He's an unregistered lycan you imbecile! Do you have any idea what the ministry would do to him if this got out? Snape is a snake you idiot and now you've given him every fucking reason to snitch on Remus. So yes Sirius he's in fucking danger! And that's on you! If this gets out I will never forgive you!"
"Because your fucking him?"
"Oi" James stepped forward with a tight jaw. "That's my sister you're talking to."
"You wanna know where we go when we disappear?"
"Lena." Remus pulled her back. "You don't have to tell him shit. Clearly he can't keep a secret."
"Stay out of this Remus. You wanna fucking know!" She ripped open her bag throwing a book at him. He opened it reading Remus' writing and frowning.
"What is this?"
"Parting gift from your brother. I have visions. Remus knew about it and was helping me stay safe while I have them he knows the sighs."
"Why didn't you tell us?" James frowned.
"You didn't know either?" Sirius asked and she huffed.
"No one knew! Because-"
"Lena you don't have too." Remus reassured her.
"Because I've seen you all die. I've been having them since I woke up from the attack. They're violent and it hurts. I can't count the amount of times I've seen you all die. And I didn't want to put that on any of you. Remus walked in on me one day and had helped every since." Sirius felt a rush of guilt as everything became really clear.
"I'm sorry..." Remus scoffed.
"Sorry? You're fucking sorry? Hear that guys? He's just ruined my life over a assumption and he's fucking sorry!" Remus shook his head.
"Fuck you sirius." Remus left the room and one by one they all left until Lena and him were the only ones left.
"You could've just fucking asked Sirius. I would've told you everything." She was crying now as was he sobbed a little and she shook her head. "I think it hurts more to at you think I would do that to you." He stepped closer and tried to pull her close but she pushed him away. "No I need some time. I'm going to bed." So he was left alone in common room crying to himself

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