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Harry was 7 when a knock on the door of privet drive had him confused to say the least.
"She sent you?" The man at the door smiled kindly.
"Yes petunia, I'm taking him home now." She chuckled to herself.
"Fine take him. He's a pain anyway." The tall man was ushered into the living room and harry was called upon.
"My haven't you grown." Harry frowned at the man who looked to him with a smile.
"Who are you." He knelt down holding out a hand.
"My name is Remus, I'm a friend of your aunts." He looked at petunia who raised an eyebrow leading Remus to chuckle. "Not that aunt. Your fathers sister." Harry was confused to say the least as he looked around the room. "She's been sick for a long time but she's finally better now and she's asked if you would like to come and live with her now we understand if-"
"Yes. I would like that."
"Charming boy." Petunia scoffed.
"Pack your things my dear boy we leave soon."

The carriage pulled up in front of the hung house and Remus opened the door. Harry had hardly spoken a word the whole journey afraid that if he was too much he would be marched right back to the Dursley's. The two stepped out and harry took in the home he felt looked more like a castle and gasped. Remus let them both in and they walked into a sitting room filled with books and fine furniture.
"Bit grand for my taste but your uncle was always one for the dramatics." Remus opened a side door and spoke to someone out of site.
"Might you fetch Mrs black please?"
"Yes master lupin."
"Thank you." Remus turned to him. "Now harry, in this house you will see things you cannot understand but any questions we will be happy to-"
"Are you my uncle?" Remus chuckled leading harry to the fireplace where a painting of a young Evangeline and Sirius hung.
"That's him, Sirius black he came from the most noble family and-"
"Was the biggest pain in the ass." The two turned around to see the woman stood in a beautiful blue gown almost looking like a princess aside from the cane she used to stead herself with. "Hello harry." She smiled walking to him and brushing his hair out of the way seeing the scar which was a cruel reminder of that night. "My you look just like him. Remus might you get creature to make the boy some hot chocolate and I'll take a tea, he may meet the boy later." Remus gave a nod and stepped away. "You must have so many questions" she went to sit down giving him a kind smile.
"Yes miss." She laughed a little.
"Miss? God do I look like a teacher! My name is Evangeline, some call me Lena. You may call me whatever you wish."
"Your father used to call her brat!" Remus called from the kitchen and she rolled her eyes.
"Why did you never come and get me?"
"I was very sick I couldn't look after you."
"Why?" She smiled at his questions.
"I was very sad, and it made me sick." Harry nodded as Remus returned with the cups handing them out.
"What did Remus mean? When he said I would see things here?" She looked to her friend.
"You have a house elf in the kitchen making tea how were you planning to explain that?"
"A what?" Lena pulled out her wand.
"I wanted to ease you in but here we go. Do you believe in magic harry?"
"Like pulling rabbits out of hats?" The two laughed and she stood up.
"Not quite my love." She spoke a spell and the room erupted in an amazing blue light all of a sudden a blue glowing fox ran around the room. After a few moments she stopped and sat down on the floor.
"We live in a very different world than the one you're used to harry, a world with magic and wonder, a world where anything is possible. This is the world you belong in. One your mother and father wanted you to be a part of." He smiled thinking of even more questions.
"Will I learn magic?"
"Yes at school when you're old enough."
"Did my parents know it?" She nodded. "And my uncle?" He face dropped a little at the mention of her husband.
"Ah he was a fine wizard." Remus replied taking a sip of his tea.
"When will I meet him?"
"Harry..." she smiled a little, "what do you know about your parents?"
"They died when I was little." She came closer taking a breath.
"Yes, they died protecting you. Our world is magical and beautiful harry but dangers are always around. There was a man who started a war once, he wanted power. There was a prophecy that you would bring an end to him, he came one night and tried to hurt you. Your parents never gave up fighting for you... someone told that man where you were. Your uncle knew that man and he took revenge." She waited a moment wondering what was going on in the little boys head but when he spoke she was almost relieved.
"I understand, but auntie... what is a house elf?" She chuckled a little and looked at Remus.
"Go and grab creature please, I'm going to get your room ready then we can eat and get ready for bed."
"What time is bedtime auntie?"
"Oh darling I don't believe in rules here go to bed when you please."

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