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They stayed with the potters for a week to help while lily was recovering. By the time they got home the two were greeted by mail and unpacked bags still form the honeymoon. Sirius sat going through the mail and Lena began to unpack.
"You have a couple." He passed her the letters and she read through them finding nothing worth a second thought. "I was thinking..." he came behind her kissing her neck. "We could start trying..." she laughed putting the letters down and turning in his arms pulling his collar.
"You think?" He smiled into a kiss and nodded pulling her hips. "Seeing you with harry... you're going to be an amazing mother." She smiled and pulled away taking a deep breath.
"Place is a mess, we should sort this out and then maybe we can start trying tomorrow?" He smiled
"Okay sure, hey is everything okay?"
"Yeah everything is fine."

It went on like this for a while, letters would come and she would start acting strange. Sirius thought about reading them but he trusted her he knew she would tell him when she was ready. Today was different, a letter came and she didn't even read it. She threw it in the fire just before Sirius got home. The moment he did she was all over him.
"Woe, hi." She pushed his jacket off and pulled at his shirt.
"I want you Sirius." He chuckled at her forwardness and obliged taking his clothes off.

An hour later she was laying in bed with the phone ringing. She picked it up hearing whispers on the other end.
"Remus is here. He's a mess."
"I can't right now."
"Lena he wants to see you." She huffed hearing Sirius coming up the stairs.
"Okay fine." She put the phone down getting up.
"Everything alright?" Sirius asked walking into the room as she got dressed.
"Lily needs help with harry, I'll be back later okay?"
"Want me to come?" She shook her head kissing him.
"Don't wait up okay? I love you."
"I love you too." She left the house walking down the street and let herself in to James' and James met her in the doorway.
"This is becoming a joke now Jamie."
"I know but Lena I've never seen him this upset." She walked into the lounge and Remus stood up, he had been crying and looked like a mess.
"Lena..." she paused for a moment grabbing a box of cigarettes and lighting one.
"Remus, this has to stop. The letters the calling Jamie."
"Does Sirius know?" She shook her head.
"And he won't. Because you're going to stop. Remus I love him."
"You didn't always." James looked at his sister with a frown.
"What's he talking about Lena." She rubbed her face shaking her head a Remus.
"You promised it wouldn't come out."
"Lena what is he talking about!"
"We slept together." She admitted and James shook his head sitting down. "It was before me and Sirius got together."
"It was the same fucking night Lena!"
"Shut up Remus! You wake harry up lily will kill us all." James held a hand up.
"When you two were dancing at the party... you disappeared for ages."
"We were in a side room." Lena confirmed. "It was a mistake, I told you that."
"I would've believed you if-"
"Remus shut up."
"It wasn't the only time was it?" Lena didn't say a word and James shook his head.
"For fucks sake. Lena do you have any idea what this will do to Sirius." She got scared when he said it.
"No, Jamie Sirius can't know."
"What cause he's gonna leave you?" She scoffed at Remus.
"Think that will make me run to you? We agreed that what happened was in the past it was a bit of fun Remus. I don't understand why you're bringing it up, if you ruin my marriage I will ruin your life Remus I swear."

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