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They all sat down James holding a towel of ice to his forehead and Sirius holding one to his cheek.
"How did it happen?" Lily asked helping her Boyfriend with his wounds.
"The night of the party." Sirius admitted taking a drink from Lena. "Thank you."
"I was a little too drunk and Sirius took it upon himself to walk me back."
"I knew something was going on that night!" Remus said taking his glass from her as James did.
"Well it wasn't planned. We varied on drinking and talking for a bit."
"Then he wouldn't stop talking so I kissed him and well stuff happened." James looked up at his sister.
"You started it?" She nodded sitting next to Sirius drinking her own drink. "Why didn't you tell us?" Sirius let forward placing his glass down with a groan.
"We knew this was how you would react. We were planning on sitting you down tomorrow but apparently plans changed." Peter got up fixing himself a drink as Remus smirked.
"Well I think this is cause for celebration."
"My sister and my best friend are fucking and you want to celebrate?" James asked taking the ice down from his forehead and lily stopping him making him out it back.
"James two of the most important people in your life are happy and in love, this should be a happy thing. Besides you should read the notes he leaves her, they are very romantic." Sirius laughed a little holding his ribs in pain.
"You leave her notes?" He nodded and she began to blush.
"Every morning and night." She said looking at him with a smile.
"God that's sickening." Remus confessed and Sirius threw a cushion at him.
"I cannot believe Sirius is in love." Peter said almost to himself
"I can't believe Evangeline potter is in love." Lily said with a giggle. As Sirius put his arm around her pulling her close. "Oh how sweet!"
"God this is going to make Christmas even more insufferable." James groaned. "I guess if you guys are sure, and I'm sorry for hitting you pads."
"Water under the bridge." Sirius smiled. Finishing his drink.
"We could always room swap tonight" lily suggested placing her legs over her boyfriend.
"We don't mind sleeping out here tonight right Peter?" The boy nodded.
"Me and Lils will go to the girls dorm you guys and go to the boys. Just don't touch my bed."

They collapsed onto the bed panting as they did, Sirius pulled her closer groaning and placing kisses up her shoulder. Before sitting up and grabbing his clothes. She pulled his shirt on over his body and caught sight of his back. He noticed eyes on him and suddenly got up getting out another shirt.
"They're old." He said buttoning up his shirt taking in how good she looking in his clothes.
"I didn't mean to stare." He leant forward kissing her.
"I have nothing to hide from you." She wanted to ask and he saw this on her face and sat infront of her.
"When I was younger, my mother had quite a temper. And this is how high born families discipline their children." She felt sad by his confession looking down.
"Does she still do it?" He fell silent and she looked at him sadly. "Sirius... have you told anyone else?" He looked up to her with a nod.
"The boys know. James has always offered your home if it got bad."
"We leave for Christmas break in a month... if it gets bad-" he pulled her into his lap placing a kiss on her head.
"I promise, if it's bad you will be the first I come to."

How the coming weeks the boy would grow quite an more reserved the thought of going home playing on his mind. The group had tried to lift his shirts in anyway possible, to no Advil. It was this their last night at hogwarts that they sat around drinking. The radio playing loudly lily and Evangeline were stood using hair brushes as microphones singing along to music. The boys laughing as they danced about singing. Then the music slowed leaving the giggling girls stood there.
"Right I suppose we better sleep." Slowly everyone went to bed leaving Sirius and Lena there.
"Care to dance my love?" He got up placing his glass down and taking her hand. The two danced in the middle of the common room unaware of the group sitting in the doorway watching. "Evangeline?" She looked to him waiting for his words. "I love you." She blinked a little unbelieving that he had said it for the first time.
"I love you Sirius black." The two kissed earning claps and cheers from the group on the doorway. The two laughed and she hid in his chest.

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