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"Did you hear? That muggle born who owns the shop on diagon alley was murdered." James said to the group as they ate their breakfast.
"Merlin, it's getting worse isn't it." Remus retorted, Peter pushed his food round the plate shrugging a little.
"How do they know it was murder? Could've fallen or something." Remus looked at him like he was crazy while james read the article closely.
"No the death eaters claimed it already." Lena placed a hand on Sirius' when the were mentioned knowing any relation to regulus was still a sensitive one even if Sirius was denying any feeling towards it.
"Tragic honestly." Sirius said pushing his plate away and clearing his throat. "I'll meet you guys in class I'm not feeling to well." Sirius got up kissing his girlfriend on the cheek and leaving the half quickly.
"Merlin." Lena grabbed an apple getting up from the table. "See you guys later." She ran off after Sirius and the others remained know full well Sirius was going to break something and didn't feel like getting in the way.
"You alright Peter? You look like you've seen a ghost." Lily asked looking at the pale boy who pushed his plate away.
"I'm fine, just... hot in here." He tugged on the collar of his sweater and Remus raised an eyebrow.
"Go change into something cooler, you've been wearing that jumper for days! I'm surprised it doesn't smell yet." He gave a uncomfortable chuckle and got up.
"You're right Mooney I'll erm... see you guys later!" And off he ran.

My lord,
I write to you asking once again if I might join the cause fully and leave hogwarts for good. It is getting harder to listen to the voices of mud bloods and sympathisers on a daily basis.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Peter pettigrew.

Sirius stormed into the dorm throwing his bag down. Peter was quick to grab the cloak hiding in the corner as Lena followed him in.
"Sirius please we need to talk about this. It's silly."
"Silly! It's silly is it! My brother got himself killed for the wrong choices and it's silly is it Lena?!" She rubbed her face pushing her hair out the way as he shouted.
"I didn't mean it like that sirius! I meant you storming off and hiding from everyone because he was mentioned isn't right. You need to talk about this sirius it isn't healthy." He scoffed.
"Like you told me about the visions?" Her arms dropped to her side and she took a step back.
"That isn't fair sirius, and you know it. Don't be cruel because you're hurting." She turned around but he stepped towards her pulling her away from the door. She yelped a Peter frowned, this is what it looked like when they fought? To everyone else they were more perfect than James and lily no one had ever seen a negative moment between the two yet here it was laid out for Peter neatly.
"Don't walk away from me." She pushed him off her sending a slap across his face.
"Shit." He stepped back and bought a hand to his face. "Sirius, I didn't mean to." He didn't know how to react to her in that moment. She picked up her bag from the ground and backed away slowly. "I should go I'm late for a meeting with dumbledor." Sirius nodded picking up his bag to go with her and she paused. "I think I should go alone."
"Lena, I thought we agreed to do this together. We need to know what else he's worked out, ever since he found out one was about the dark lord we agreed we should worked together on this. I won't let a petty argument get on the way." Peter decided in that moment he had to get that book Lena always carried about and he had to find out what visions she was having. The dark lord would be so pleased with him he would be favoured in the oncoming war. It was decided, Peter would steal the book.

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