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Lena looked around at the packed boxes int he study sighing to herself and closing the box finding herself out of breath, she walked around the house making sure everything they were taking with them was in boxes that Remus was going to spend after they got there, well they had to tell Remus they were leaving first. That's where Sirius was, telling Remus the plan. He would be the only one to know where the blacks had gone, Sirius was leaving a letter to harry with him. They would be the only two in the world to know what happened to them, to the rest of the world it would seem they just disappeared into thin air. They had decided they wouldn't come back, even after the war. Their new lives would start and they would be happy far away from all this trouble.
"Darling, I'm home!" Sirius walked in placing his jacket down on the arm chair. "Darling..." he raced over taking the box from her hands. "You shouldn't be lifting that." She whined in protest as he turned away from her.
"I'm pregnant not an imvilid Sirius!" He chuckled placing the box down and turning to face her. "Well?"
"Remus said yes, he won't tell a soul. He has the letter for harry we leave tomorrow morning, it's happening Lena...." She smiled hugging him tightly and looking around the room.
"I'm going to miss it here..." he smiled holding her into his side looking at across the hall to the lounge which was half empty. "I raised harry here... for years it was just me and him... I almost don't want to leave." Sirius rubbed her back with a proud smile on his face.
"We will make new memories, and harry can visit. This might be the happiest we have ever been."
She smiled up to her husband and he kissed her cheek. "Now, I'm going to draw you a bath and make us some dinner, let's enjoy our last night in this house."

Lena sat across from him finishing her food and pushing the plate away.
"Thank you darling, that was lovely." He smiled picking up their plates. "No let me wash up please, you cooked."
"Absolutely not! Better get used to it, until that baby comes you aren't lifting a finger." She smiled getting up.
"At least let me fix you another drink?" She picked up the glass and he leaned in kissing her with a smile.
"Fine... I'll meet you in the kitchen okay?" She nodded walking off into the lounge. "What time did you want to go tomorrow?!" Sirius shouted from the hall walking and putting the dishes in the sink. "I was thinking about midday?! Before the rush hour and while everyone is too occupied with their day!" He started the tap hearing footsteps entering the room. "Could always go later I guess, but I don't want to be travelling all night... plus you need to rest as much as you can." He scrubbed a plate attempting to get the mess off it almost frustrated at how long it was taking.
"I know I know." He continued to wash up chuckling to himself. "You're pregnant not disabled, but I just think-"
"Sirius." He looked over his shoulder seeing her stood with a wand against her neck and his cousin stood with a smirk on her face. He turned around slowly and calmly took the tea towel from his shoulder drying his hands.
"Bellatrix. To what do we owe the pleasure." A chill ran down lenas spine as Bellatrix held her hair tightly.
"Going on a trip Sirius? Didn't think to tell your family?" She pouted and his stomach twisted at the thought of it all.
"My wife is my family." Bellatrix giggled to herself.
"Sit down Sirius. I'll have your wand as well, I have 30 death eaters surrounding the house. You have no where to run." He held his hands up and nodded to her.
"Okay, fine."

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