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Her sight would come back in time, that's what they told her anyway, she wasn't so sure. The bruising would disappear but she would be left with the scars and memories. She had barely spoken a work since the ministry, Sirius sat with her everyday and he watched. After the last attack she had the worst breakdown he'd ever seen and he would be damned if he let it again.
"How are you feeling?" He asked coming to sit beside her bed, she looked better today. She didn't bother to look over to him, in her words it was a waste of time to even bother. She signed and pushed her hair out of her face, her scarred knuckles still slightly bruised.
"I still can't see anything, I want to go home. I'm sick of hospitals." She smirked a little at her defiance and leant forward.
"Well funnily enough, they've said I can take you home now. Harry's at home, so is Remus, he's going to be staying with us..." her head tilted slightly at his words.
"You got me a baby sitter?" Sirius chuckled and placed a hand over hers, she flinched slightly at the contact and he kept his hand there and allowed her to find him.
"No, I asked a friend to come and stay for a while because you could do with some comfort from people who love you." She scoffed placing a hand on his.
"That's because everyone else is dead."

Sirius held her hand and walked her through the front door and lead her to the lounge where she paused.
"Harry?" The boy stood up and walked over to her, she heard him come close and let go of Sirius racing out to touch his face. "My, I wish I could see your face."
"Me and Remus made tea for you, come sit down." He lead her to the couch sitting her down and going to retrieve a blanket. Sirius was slow and watched carefully as harry covered her legs and came to sit.
"Where is Remus?"
"I'm right here Lena." Remus walked into the room, she smiled a little and her cloudy eyes were haunting every single one of them.
"Harry I need to tell you something."
"You saw him didn't you? My dad." She smiled a little and let out a slight hum.
"Remus, the wooden box on the fire place, if would wouldn't mind." The box was passed to her and she felt along the edges sliding it open. "I should've given these to you long ago, I just couldn't bare to part with them... your father, now boys correct me if I'm wrong was terrible for misplacing things."
"Merlin it was the bane of my existence." Sirius chuckled and Remus laughed making sure to stay close just in case she needed something else.
"When I was clearing the house before I left after the attack I found this inbetween my couch cushions...." She passed harry a golden band and he took it looking carefully at it. Until the end and after, lily and James. "Of course I had them wearing them when they were buried but Jamie ended up having 3 rings I think, he lost one and broke the other building your cradle." Harry smiled hugging his aunt.
"Thank you auntie." She held him closely a smile on her face.
"I wish I had more to give you. He told me to say he loves you, I wish I'd had more time. But above that, I wish you had more time, if I could've traded places with him that night I would've harry." She pulled away from him and cleared her throat. "Now, how about that tea? I need to speak with Sirius. Remus would you mind?" The two left the room and Sirius sparked a cigarette, she held out her hand. "May I?" He held it out for her guiding her hand so she didn't burn herself and took another one for himself.
"So, what other ghosts did you see?"
"Regulus." He dropped the lighter at the mention of his brother.
"Excuse me?" She hummed in response taking a pull.
"You know I haven't had a cigarette in weeks... anyway, regulus. I saw him first, before Jamie. He never apologised you know, always with the theatrics apparently he gave me a gift... he's the reason I didn't loose my mind. He told me how to cope with the torture."
"Lena, you didn't make the others leave to tell me about my idiot brother. What else is there?" She shifted nervously in her seat.
"At the ministry when I was... dying."
"You called out for James."
"I could hear her laughing..." a tear rolled down her cheek. "James said he was looking after her, he said they were waiting for me...our daughter was with James..."
"You wanted us to let you die didn't you?" She let the ash from her cigarette fall the ground and her head tilted.
"I'm asking you, if we ever find our selves in that situation again. Let me go." He got up pacing up and down.
"You want me to let you die? Lena-"
"Sirius. I want to see her again, I want to see Jamie, and lily." He leant against the fire looking at the flames trying to compose himself. "I know it's a lot to ask..."
"A lot to ask?! Lena, you're stuck in the past! You have people here right now who love you! Living people! What about harry? You expect me to tell him I just let you die?! You have asked me some ridiculous things in the past Lena but this by far beats them all!" She closed her eyes at his yelling and turned her face away.
"I'm tired Sirius, I've been beaten, I've been left alone, I've taken it all and I've never complained once. Now I'm sitting here blind and in constant pain. Please if the time comes, just don't let me suffer anymore Sirius... I don't know if I could take it."

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