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"Professor!" She stormed into the office breathing quickly. "It's happening again!" Mcgonigal just about got to the girl before she collapsed body twisting yet again. "A child will be left alone, another dead. So many will die." She spoke the words when the door opened and Remus lupin stormed in with a bloody nose.
"Professor! Is she okay?" Remus dropped to his needs and Lena grabbed his arm her head shooting his way with her eyes completely white.
"He will betray you all!"
"Who Lena? What are you-"
"You will-" she choked for a moment then her body dropped leaving him shaking and looking to his professor in shock.
"What in Merlin's name was that!" Mcgonigal helped him up and placed a blanket over the girl on the ground.
"She'll come around in a moment. Remus you cannot tell anyone about what you have seen here."
"We believe the cruatouis curse has unlocked something within miss potter. Since she woke she's been having these fits and speaking of the future. We believe she's a seer. Until we know more please keep it to yourself and please when you notice her struggle get her to me as fast as possible."

By the time Sirius arrived at the party it was in full swing and there was his girlfriend dancing on a table swigging fire whiskey from the bottle.
"Oh Merlin." He sighed as James reached his side.
"At least she's having fun." She caught sight of her boyfriend and her smile faded, she chugged the rest of the bottle and got down from the table disappearing in the crowd. "What did you do?"
"I slipped up and called her sweetheart." James looked to him with wide eyes know exactly who called her that. Across the room Remus had been pulled into a room with lily who was laughing and looking for a smoke when they found their friend playing with some white powder and rolling up a piece of paper.
"Lena? What is that?" She looked up at them before snorting the line and looking back up.
"A muggle thing one of the 4th years go hold of, you should try some." She got up walking towards the door.
"Lena you alright? Where Sirius?"
"Don't know don't care. Oh Remus?" He looked from lily to her with a raised eyebrow. "Still got that time turner?"
"Yeah why?" She laughed to herself.
"Don't worry about it." And off she went the two attempted to follow when they lost her deciding to tell James and Sirius straight away.
"There's something really wrong guys I don't-" Remus followed James' eye line and saw his friend talking to barty with nothing but anger written on her face. The group rushed over as she went to throw a punch remus managing to get in the way and stop her.
"What the fuck are you playing at!" James pulled her backwards, the smirk on her face was almost scary as she pushed him off her.
"Fuck you james. Party blows anyway." She grabbed a bottle and walked towards the doors.  Sirius followed her and the others did mainly to make sure that the pair didn't get nasty:
"Fuck off sirius." He grabbed her wrist stopped her.
"Don't walk away from me. What is going on." She pushed him off attempting to get away.
"Evangeline talk to me!" He begged as she took another swig. "Don't you think you've had enough come on now." He reached for the bottle and she stumbled back.
"Don't you dare fucking touch me! How long were you there?!" He gulped stopping in his tracks as she scoffed.
"Lena." He said sternly. "You're drunk, you don't know what you're talking about. Give me the bottle." She shook her head backing away from him.
"No.... No I..."
"Lena please just-" he reached out a hand and she snapped again.
"I said don't fucking touch me!" He stepped back holding up his hands. "I remember. I remember you being there. And then today you stopped yourself calling me that. I didn't tell you about that, how did you know..." lily was in tears watching her friend in this state whilst Remus and James shared a concerned look. "You were there." She took a swig pulling out her wand.
"Lena please calm down."
"Sirius stop her please" lily cried as she raised the wand to her own neck.
"I can't- I remember Sirius."
"You're drunk, you're confused-"
"Stop fucking lying to me! You're making me feel crazy."
"Alright!" Remus stepped forward. "We will tell you everything, the truth I promise Lena please give me the wand and the bottle."
"Were you there?" Remus shook his head.
"No I wasn't Lena I promise I wasn't." She looked at her brother for some reassurance then to Sirius.
"You two... oh god-" she sobbed James couldn't hold back his tears by now.
"Lena, Lena I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry."
"You could've stopped him sooner!" She screamed. By this point lily had gone to get mcgonigal unable to watch for a moment more. "You could've stopped it all! And you didn't! Why!" Her voice cracked as Remus tried stepped forward but her wand was bought back to her neck. "Remus I swear to god I will curse myself if you come any closer." Sirius dried his eyes a little and pulled out his own wand.
"You're right Lena. What we did was wrong. And we are so sorry. But you need to put the wand down and listen to me."
"Or fucking what Sirius! Gonna sit back while someone else beats on me!" He sent a spell her way her he wand shot out her hand across in hall.
"Give me the fucking bottle." He held out his hand and she gulped. "I'm not going to ask again."
"Like I fucking screamed and begged for help that night and you ignored me for hours!"
"Lena that's not fair."
"Not fair! Not fair! Your brother tortured me! And you two watched it happen! Everything he did to me! And you did nothing! Don't talk to me about not fair Sirius after everything you've done!"
"And if we could go back and change it was would-"
"Remus is literally wearing the solution around his fucking neck!" She took a swig of alcohol looking at her brother and boyfriend. "I hate both of you!" She started walking when Remus tried to stop her she pulled away.
"Where are you going." James tried to catch up but she shook her head.
"Far away from both of you. I need to be far away from you all right now."
"Lena... please come back into the party and lily can take you home please don't be alone right now."
"Like you left me alone that night James?"
"Evangeline." Sirius tried to stop her attacking her brother when she shook her head.
"Don't Sirius, you don't get to act all high and mighty anymore." And with that she walked off the boys had hoped she would be going straight to the dorms but when they were caught on their way home an hour later they new something was wrong.
"You boys best follow me."

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