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Two hours later she woke up in pain so much pain.
"It's okay, I'm here." Moments flashed through her mind the tower the crying, the scream, the blood. She couldn't remember why she was crying.
"My arms hurt."
"I know my darling it's okay. Want some water?" Sirius helped her sit up and passed her the glass.
"I don't remember anything..."
"You need to rest and we'll talk about it tomorrow my darling." She caught a glimpse on her arms in the moonlight and turned on the lamp. She looked at Sirius' guilt face and her stomach turned. "You were very upset last night baby." She looked at his tearful eyes. "Lily found you in the astronomy tower, I'm sorry we weren't there darling." She covered her mouth trying to stop herself.
"I'm gonna be sick." He grabbed the bucket he had beside the bed and held her hair back while she threw up.
"It's okay... my poor darling... I got you." She finished and he helped her drink some water moving the bucket away.
"I'm sorry..." she laid in his arms crying silently as he held her.
"No baby I should be the one saying sorry... I know you've been struggling and I didn't notice... I'm sorry. But honey you need to stop drinking okay?"
"Anything I'll do anything I'm sorry Sirius. Please don't leave." His chest was tight with guilt, she was right, he should've got there sooner.
"I'm not going anywhere... get some sleep okay we can worry about everything else in the morning" his mind was wrecked with guilt at all of it. There wasn't a moment that night that he managed to sleep.

The group sat in the common room laughing about something in the midst of laughter something clicked.
"Oh shut up Mooney you're just jealous because you can't pull to save your life!"
"Nice one James!" Sirius laughed and her face dropped. Remus glanced her way and noticed her glazed over eyes. He walked over placing a hand on her arm.
"Is it happening again?" Peter caught sight of how close the pair looked in the corner and she nodded her eyes clouding. "Give me this..." he slipped the glass from her hands placing it on the side and ushered her to the door. "Guys we're going for a smoke be back in a minute." The friends shrugged it off but Peter watched the concerned hand on her back and the way she clung to Remus' sleeve.
He barely got her down the steps before it happened her breathing became rapid and strained as she grabbed him during this time her eyes had gone completely cloudy.
"He will fall at the hands of his own blood, only two will live too mourn him." Remus held her waist against the wall before holding her close only to allowing her to cling to him as if they were locked in embrace to anyone who saw them from the outside.
"Where's James' cloak when you need it?" Little did he know the friend watching from the stairwell who snuck out behind them to see them in such a way. Remus looked around before her body relaxed and he sighed. "Come on, let's go to the tower so we can talk in privet. Don't want anyone hearing." She nodded and he was careful when leading her down the halls. Peter walked back up to the common room almost perplexed by it. Sirius and James were laughing about something lily had already left for the night. By the time the others came back she looked tried and in a daze, Remus himself looked like he's been completely drained. She came to sit down beside Sirius and pulled her arm around her, he took no notice but pulled her into him adjusting himself so she could lay on his chest and hide in his neck while he chuckled. The cheek of it Peter thought, sneaking off with his best friend and coming back to act like she hadn't been all over Remus 10 minutes ago.
"What did you see?"
"Images really... but I think... no I know what I saw... Remus I saw Sirius' death."
She laid there taking in his smell feeling his heart beat against her ear and held back her tears thinking about what she saw he looked so calm when it happened. So peaceful, she heard a boy scream. She couldn't place who. She saw Remus, he looked older there. He collapsed to his knees as his friends body fell. She tried to put it out of her mind and be grateful, that was a life time away. Right now she could just be with him.
Over the coming weeks Peter watched them closely as the pair disappeared together they shared privet and hushed conversations away from everyone. Remus would leave gentle touches of reassurance on her when eyes were diverted. At parties he begun to linger around her a little too long. After 3 weeks Peter couldn't take it anymore they were at a party and Sirius was sat on the floor leaning back against the sofa. Lily and James were making out in the corner whilst Remus and Lena were talking at the drinks table, Peter slid down the sofa to sit beside Sirius.
"What's up wormtail?" Peter leant closer.
"Aren't you at all worried about how close they are?" Sirius chuckled and glanced over having a double take seeing her on her tip toes whispering in Remus' ear over the music. She stumbled a little and he caught her waist comfortably. Sirius' face dropped a little then he flashed that Sirius smirk and scoffed.
"No, they're just friends."
"You sure pads?" Sirius nodded.
"Yeah man." Peter shrugged getting off and going to get a drink. "Yeah..." he took a swig of his beer as they laughed together. His jaw tightened "just friends..."

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