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The girl sat outside a cigarette between her lips sighing out.
"Hey Lena." Said a voice from the group of slyerins walking by. Someone stopped and nodded to the others who continued on. "Lena are you alright?" She looked up at regulus black with teary eyes. "Who upset you?" She sniffed slightly.
"It's not important. How was the rest of the party?" He sat down shrugging. Sensing her not wanting him to push the subject of her tears for a moment more.
"Was okay I missed you tho." She smiled a little.  Her contact with the youngest black was very limited but whenever they did speak he was nothing but kind to her dispute the negative reputation of the slytherin.
"That's sweet of you Sirius put me to bed apparently I was a bit worse for wear." He gave a nod and laughed a little. "What?"  He shook his head pushing his hands into his pockets with a cocky smile.
"You don't have to make excuses Lena, if you're seeing Sirius then I-"
"I'm not." She said quickly. "He's James' best friend I wouldn't do that." He chuckled at her excuses when it came to his brother continuing to tease her.
Across the green Sirius stood with a cigarette watching the two laugh, and his blood boiled a little. Soon enough the younger black stood giving a nod as he left the scene. Sirius made his live walking across the green throwing his cigarette as he did.
"There you are Lena." He said as she rolled her eyes and stood "please, I want to apologies." She paused looking him up and down. "The way I acted this morning was shameful. I just don't handle rejection very well, I know it's no excuse but I'm deeply sorry, I understand if you don't want to remain friends but I can't imagine not being there for you." She thought for a moment pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.
"You're a dick." She stated as fact.
"I know." He hung his head in shame.
"Arrogant."  The girl continued with a deadpan expression.
"Self serving prick." He looked up at that comment and pressed his lips together.
"That's fair."
"Despite that, I forgive you Sirius. I was harsh this morning too. I'm sorry." His chest filled with relief as she spoke.
"Water under the bridge?" He winced holding not to push his luck. She nodded taking a pull. He smiled at her taking a deep breath. "Can I take you to dinner? Make up for it?" The smoke curled around her hand as she held the cigarette to her mouth inhaling and exhaling with a smirk.
"Like a date?" He paused for a moment not wanting to push it from her actions earlier.
"If you would allow me the honour?" She thought for a moment.
"Talk to James. I really don't need a pissed off brother on my ass." The smiled that took over the boys face was like none she'd seen him give before. She looked down stamping out the cigarette. "I need to get to class."
"Can I walk you?" He offered his arm.
"I suppose that would be okay." The two linked arms and begun to walk across the court yard.
"Can I kiss you?"
"You're pushing it black."

That night Lena found a note on the pillow from Sirius detailing his admiration for her, she blushed and smiled until she feel asleep that night. It wasn't until the next day when she came out of the library only to bump straight into the boy himself.
"Back it up." He guided the giggled girl into the restricted section laughing at her protests.
"Sirius I'm supposed to be meeting lily."
"Oh and I'm supposed to be meeting James let them wait." She laughed as he leant down to kiss her. Earning her to moved back and stop his lips.
"Have you spoken to him yet?" Sirius scoffed that signature smirk on his face attempting to conceal his fear. "Sirius?"
"No..." she huffed crossing her arms with a stern look on her face. "I know I know!" He protested before allowing her to scold him. "I just don't know what to say, plus he's kinda scary." She pouted placing a hand on his cheek.
"Oh darling..." she spoke sympathetically and he huffed pouting back at her.
"You don't care do you?" He said plainly as she played with his hair.
"Not in the slightest, speak to James." She went to walk away from him but was pulled backwards and kissed before she could protest.
"Fine, meet me in the room of requirement in an hour?" He asked sweetly in between kisses while picking her up and leaning her against a book shelf. She hummed against his lips letting her hands get lost in his hair.
"I have to study Sirius." She moaned as he kissed down her neck. He groaned as she pulled on his hair slightly to stop him.
"Fine fine." He allowed her to slip out of his hold but kept her trapped between himself and the shelf. She wiped away some of her lipstick he had gotten on his face and smiled. "8 o'clock?" She gave him a short kiss and smiled.
"Tomorrow 7 o'clock."
"I'll see you then my love." With a smirk he left her there straightening her uniform with a smile before she stepped out.
"Hey Lena." Regulus smiled from across the library, he gave her a knowing smirk and she blushed. "You erm your makeup is smudged." He walked over using his thumb to get rid of it. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to hogsmead this weekend with me?" She looked over at the doorway were Remus had just walked in.
"Sorry regulus I can't this weekend. Studying." She walked off desperately trying to put as much distance between her and the library as possible.

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