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"So what do you say mr black?" Sirius leant forward in his seat texting his chin in the palm on his hand.
"I'll need to talk with Lena first, I can Awnser for her." That was the moment the front door opened, keys were thrown in the bowl on the side and he could hear her hanging her jacket off and taking off her shoes.
"Sirius! I'm home!" He grabbed a box of cigarettes sitting back.
"We have guests darling!" She stepped into the doorway some shopping bags in hand.
"Professor dumbledor, how lovely to see you." The professor nodded and glanced at his companion.
"Miss potter you look well, this is a dear friend alstor moody." Alster stepped forward bowing slightly.
"The auror right? I've heard about you from my brother, it's a pleasure to put a face to the name. Creature, could you take these to be washed please? Sirius needed some new shirts."
"Of course miss potter." The elf walked over taking the bags and disappearing.
"The pleasure is all mine miss potter." She smiled to the man and Sirius got up passing her a cigarette.
"Sit, I'll get you a drink... you'll need it." She took it and accepted his off her of a light sitting in the armchair Sirius was previously occupying.
"Miss potter, I'm afraid I bring some distressing news. The war has begun." Her eyes widened a little as Sirius placed a hand on her shoulder and placed a glass of whiskey in her free hand. "We've come to you and Sirius asking to join a secret faction of fighter. Spies mostly." She looked at Sirius who lit his own cigarette leaning against the side board.
"I didn't want to make a choice without speaking to you first."
"Yourself and Sirius have ties to high society, perhaps rubbing shoulders with some pure blood families may out some death eaters." She thought for a moment and nodded a little.
"Do you know of anyone who may have ties to he who must not be named?" She looked at Sirius who understood just from looking at her.
"My brother was a known death eater at the time of Lena's attack in school I'll bet his little friends Evan and barty were involved."
"Barty is the ministers son Sirius. I doubt he was involved but Evan rosier was definitely involved." Dumbledor nodded and stood up.
"Well we will give you some time to think this all over, in the meantime you think of anything else feel free to contact us."
"I'll look forward to working with you both." Sirius saw them out leaving her sitting there thinking. When her boyfriend returned she said nothing.
"It's dangerous."
"I know." She pulled her legs up to her chest and huffed out a cloud of smoke.
"People we love could get hurt."
"People are dying everyday, who's to say our loved ones won't die regardless." She took another pull and picked up her glass of whiskey downing it.
"This isn't how I imagined our lives Sirius."
"I know darling, but I think we'd be doing the right thing." She nodded stunning out her cigarette.
"Okay we'll do it."

Two days later a knock on the door had her confused. She opened the door seeing her old her master stood there with a warm smile.
"Miss potter, may I come in?" She opened the door wider and walked into the lounge.
"Sirius isn't here, he's out with James."
"Actually I'm here to see you." She picked up a box of cigarettes placing one in her mouth and throwing the box down. "Your visions, had any lately?"
"A few. Mcgonigal has the ones I had in your care if that's what your after." He smiled a little and took a seat.
"There one I am interested in." He pulled a ball out of his robes and tapped the top.
"A child of the order will destroy all he's built"
She felt a shiver go down her spine when it spoke and dumbledor places it on the coffee table. "What did you see when you had this one?" She shrugged a little sitting down.
"It was a long time ago." She admitted and dumbledor gave a nod.
"The ministry are ordering a seizure of all your visions. They plan on making it law you report any you have, I'm fighting this. I won't wish for you to live as a prisoner to your own mind miss potter." She nodded to him as thanks unable to articulate a sentence at that moment. "I need your help Evangeline, this gift you have could help us win this war. I would like for us to meet regularly away from the others, perhaps we could attempt to induce some of you would be comfortable with that." She agreed and he smiled.
"I shall see you next week miss potter." And with that he left her sitting wondering what in the world she was getting into.

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