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If only it had been smooth sailing form then on, unfortunately our story is about to take a horrid turn.
For weeks after Christmas at the potters Lena and Sirius began to fight more often than not, their friends grew concerned. Friend gatherings saw the blacks leaving the moment Remus arrived. He had tried all he could, he called, he wrote to Sirius regularly, he even turned up on their doorstep. Sirius refused to speak to him or even look in his direction. Lena had tried to reassure her husband that his friends love for her was unrequited but it resulted in more screaming matches between the two. James lost count of the amount of time either one of them had turned up in tears or in a fit of rage. And here they were again screaming at eachother about some nonsense Remus had said in a letter about not trusting Sirius alone with her that in his words 'at heart he will always be a black and we all know their reputation' it took James coming over to stop Sirius going round and hurting Remus, Lena swore she had never seen him so mad.
"I've been thinking." Lena said over dinner which up until now had been completely silent. "Why don't we go away for while? Back to Paris? Maybe some time away might help us." He scoffed pushing his food around his plate, Sirius didn't have much of an appetite these days.
"Who are we kidding Lena can we even be fixed?" Her face dropped, surely he didn't mean that.
"Sirius, of course we can. We've gone through worse than this." He dropped his fork pushing the plate away.
"I don't think we have."
"What are you saying?" He looked at her, his face was stern and cold, this was a side of Sirius she could never get used to and one she had seen far too much of lately.
"I think you're right, some time away will do us good. Some time away from eachother." She threw her napkin down getting up.
"I don't believe this." He got up following her to the lounge where she picked up a box of cigarettes. "So that's it huh?"
"I can't trust you Lena! You kept this from me!"
"It was years ago Sirius! I never even thought about him after we got together!" She screamed at him and he sighed rubbing his face.
"How am I supposed to believe that!" She grabbed his wand from the side and held it out to him.
"Imprio me. Tell me to speak the truth."
"Lena no this is crazy!"
"I don't know what else to do sirius! You want the truth I'll give it to you!" He snatched the wand from her shaking his head. "Sirius please whatever it takes for you to trust me."
"I can't." He choked on his tears. "I can't trust you Lena. He's poisoned me against you, everytime I look at you I wonder where his hands have been! I wonder if one day you'll pack up and leave me for him. And I don't think it's going away."
"Sirius..." her eyes filled with tears and his eyes fluttered down her body and back up to her face, she looked desperate now. "Sirius I love you."
"It'll pass..." her mouth opened but she was at a loss for words. "You can stay here, I'll leave. I won't put you out in the street believe it or not I do care about you I just-"
"You don't love me anymore..." she slumped down to the couch and he walked over kneeling infront of her and taking her hands in hers.
"No Lena, I love you and I will love you until my dying breath but I cannot pretend that your love for someone else isn't killing my very spirit." She placed a hand on his cheek the other brushing his hair back out of his face.
"I don't love him." Sirius placed a hand on hers trying to pull it away but she fought him. "Sirius no, listen to me I do not love him."
"No, no, no" the two shouted him telling her to stop and her shouting for him to listen. He yanked her hand away gripping her wrist tightly. "Stop it! Enough!" He got up pushing his hair back and picking up a cigarette. "I see it in your eyes!" He took a moment to compose himself and took a deep breath. "I am leaving, I don't wish to hear from you, I don't wish to see you, I need time."
"Will you come back?" She asked through her tears.
"I don't know, not right now. Please don't try to stop me. Just let me go Lena."
So she did exactly that, she watched as he packed his bags only pausing for a moment when she handed him the necklace he gave her.
"So you don't completely forget me." He took the necklace and looked at her before bringing her into a hug.
"I'm sorry it isn't working." She held him tightly almost scared to let go.
She watched him leave from the window and then proceeded to throw every glass and every bottle in the house. Lena had officially broken.

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