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"Sirius?" Remus pushed the door open seeing the state of it. The curtains were drawn and the room was stepped in darkness, shards of glass shined in the light from the doorway while the sheets lay tangled on the ground. Sirius was sat on the floor leaning against the door of the bed, he sipped from a bottle of whiskey and was watching a projection on the wall. Remus walked further into the room looking at it.
"James for godsake!" He was kissing lily on the couch in the common room while she was setting up a radio, a muggle thing lily had bought with her as well as the camera. "Okay I got it working!" It skipped to her and lily hair brushes in hand with sunglasses on singing along to abba, Remus always hated abba. After lilys death and Lena's leaving he found himself listening to old records and smiling at the memories.
"Oh god." Sirius laughed and the camera panned to him cigarette in hand as his girlfriend leant over him singing into a hair brush. They all looked so happy, James then dragged his sister back standing inbetween the two girls singing into a beer bottle.
"Woe woe woe woe! Water loo knowing my fate is to be with you!" He sung at the top of his lungs and the others laughed.
"Don't give up your day job prongs."
"It was so easy back then." Sirius said not tearing his eyes away from the images infront of him. "Any word?" There was a melancholic tint to his voice, Remus had heard it many a time after a night of drinking, when the cigarettes and whiskey had turned their voices hoarse.
"No... they're after the prophecy, the children are going to the ministry to find it."
"Think they'll need help?" Remus held out a hand.
"Come on let's sober you up and go help them."
"She's out there, Remus. She's all alone, what if she's dead." Sirius started to cry painfully and Remus knelt down.
"Hey you know she's not going down without a fight, she's not dead you know that Sirius." He nodded trying to compose himself.
"I shouldn't have left her alone, every time I go away on my own! I should've learnt from the last time. I should've never came home, I forced her out of hiding, she was safe being far away from me."
"Sirius this isn't your fault." The film had stopped on an image of her laughing with James. "Get up Sirius. You've wallowed for long enough now, we are going to help harry and then we are going to bring her home."

She gasped as the cold water hit her body, the exhaustion was getting to her.
"Wake up, we're going to pay your nephew a little visit."
"He won't back down to you Bellatrix." She was dragged to her feet and fought the urge to scream out in pain, she was shoved against the wall a hot breath fanning over her face, she felt sick at the thought of someone coming so close to her.
"Lets hope he does, or you'll pay with your life." She was let go from the death grip and began to fall back to her knees only for someone to grip her hair. "Get her ready. We leave for the ministry soon." Visions flashed through her mind of Sirius falling, she realised it now. The boy screaming it was harry, only two would be alive to mourn him... the words she spoke so long ago, her and Remus. She knew in that moment she would never allow for harry to give it up, even if she did loose her life over it. The war was too important, she wouldn't let anyone else die, even if that meant her life being lost. She would not allow for Sirius black to loose his life tonight.

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