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After what seemed like hours of harry and Sirius talking about names harry emerged from the study and walked up to his aunts room knocking on the door.
"It's me auntie." She was sat on the window seat just looking out the window, her sight was almost back. Her eyes only had the slightest haze over them, nowhere near the cloudy messy they were when she returned home.
"How are you feeling? Come, sit with me?" He walked over sitting beside her and pulling something out of his pocket.
"I'm so angry auntie..." she frowned at the object in his hand tilting her head.
"I know my love, what's that you have?" Harry handed it to her and she examined the necklace closely.
"Voldemort was marking horcruxes, they're-"
"I know what they are..."
"We went to get this one... it's a fake, we were chasing a ghost. If we hadn't have gone he would've survived." She opened the locket finding the note and opening it.
"What does it say?" Harry was confused at her sudden interest in the lock and recited the note perfectly, having read it countless times last night.
"To the Dark Lord — I know I will be dead long before you read this, but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more. — R.A.B." Her breathing hitched slightly and she shot forward.
"R.a.b?" Harry nodded looking at his aunt.
"What is it?" She smiled a little and scoffed.
"you absolute idiot..." she got up walked to her draws. "Not you harry... R.A.B... Regulus Arcturus Black, harry you have to promise me you will never tell Sirius of this." She walked over to him holding a box and a letter handing it to him. Harry frowned and she sat down beside him.
"Sirius brother? I don't understand auntie." She turned to face him pulling her legs up to her chest.
"Be a dear and pass me a cigarette, I have a story to tell you." He did as she asked and she took the box in her hands running a finger over the ink. "A long time ago before I ended up with your uncle, I had a very close friendship with regulus. Sirius had a certain reputation in our younger years, regulus and myself found poking fun at him very enjoyable... has Sirius ever told you what happened when he ran away?" Harry nodded and smiled a little.
"He told me he went to my dads."
"Yes harry, but after we returned to hogwarts something terrible had happened to regulus, still to this day I'm unsure of the real story but, regulus had turned to the dark lord and become a death eater... he was filled with so much hate and anger... he spent a month trying to fight Sirius and the boys and shouting threats at me. Your father and Sirius did everything they could to protect me..." she trailed off slightly just thinking about it she fiddled with her wedding band pulling it off her finger and for the first time in his life harry saw the horrific scars across her face and neck.
"What happened?" She placed the ring on the side and lit her cigarette.
"I went to the library one night, the boys had go out... it was a full moon. Your mother was just coming off a hardcore studying session so she had been sleeping since lunch. I was alone... I was cornered by regulus who in that moment was very upset with me. I injured 7 hours of the cruciatus curse, and according to my friends I was found the next morning dead. Your father and Sirius used the time turner and stopped my death, however, I didn't come out completely unscathed. They were a little late. I digress, years later after Sirius' mother died a package turned up. I opened it and regulus had decided to send me post from the grave." She have harry the box again and he opened the letter reading it closely.
My dear Linnie,
I write this letter with a heavy heart... when I think of all the pain and suffering I have inflicted on you, I am sick with my own actions. By the time you read this I will be long gone, but you will know this from our bond. Tell me Linnie did you feel my heart stop? I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive all I have done. I do not expect it or blame you for not allowing me that solace, just know everyday since that night I have tried to do the right thing and make up for my previous mistakes.
I now trust you with this, in the package you will find a locket. Please never wear it, I want you to hide it somewhere only you will find and gaurs it with your life. There will come a time when you will know what to do with it and when that time comes I hope you hate me a little less than you probably do now. I cannot tell you more than that for your own safety, just know this is what I died for and finally in my life I have done something good.
Please look after Sirius, and I beg you live every day with the bravery you showed me that night.
Forever in your debt - R.A.B

She opened the box and inside was a exact copy of the locket harry held, she hummed placing a hand on her chest.
"I always felt that things was evil... please harry, if this is truly the real thing destroy it. You make sure every part of that devil is gone."

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