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Remus arrived at the manor three day later, the door was unlocked when he got there. Evangeline was sat on the stairs with tears running down her face.
"I keep things it's all some sick joke, any minute they'll walk through that door. Remus he didn't do it, he can't have." She cried out and her friend came to embrace her.
"He can't have done it Evangeline." She cried in her friends arms thinking for a moment.
"We need to leave, me and the baby, then we can take harry. He can't know of this, I think of him and all I feel is guilt Remus. He's a child and we were supposed to be happy." Remus stood looking around.
"Pack your things, the baby's as well. Come stay with me for a few days, we'll work out a plan." She nodded going up the stairs. And Remus found the note from alstor himself
" mr lupin, mr Sirius has a home far from here. It was bought as insurance incase this location was jeopardised. This is the address." Remus nodded.
"We can go there, get things straight." He spoke to himself.
"Remus!" He raced up the stairs finding her holding her stomach. "The baby's coming."

On that cold night a child was born, but she was born still and cold. Remus watched as his only friend left in this world as she cried and screamed in pure pain. That cold Halloween Evangeline potter lost everything.
Sirius was sentenced to life in Azkaban. Remus moved in with them to help Evangeline with her grief, it was decided harry would stay with petunia until she felt better. Two weeks later he held her hand as she sobbed at the three coffins being lowered into the ground. An hour later she sat opposite her lover in a dark room. Dumbledor had arranged the meeting as a matter of urgency. She coughed a little covering her mouth with a cloth
"My darling that cough doesn't sound good how are you and the baby?" He wished to know everything, remus had offer to write to him and tell Sirius of the death but Evangeline insisted on telling him face to face.
"A girl." She said unable to look him in the eye as she cried.
"We have a daughter?" For the first time in weeks Sirius smiled only for it to fade at her sobs. "Lena? What's wrong."
"She was so small Sirius..." he looked down at his shackles unable to reach out and touch her. "The doctors couldn't do anything for her..." she choked on her sobs finally looking him in the eyes. "I'm sorry Sirius..." a tear fell from him as he looked to the guard watching them.
"May I please console my wife?" A wand was raised and his hands became free.
"Quickly she has to go soon." He wasted to time in scooping her into his arms.
"She's buried with James and lily I couldn't bare for her to be alone Sirius, she was so small I just- oh god" he cried with her on the ground until the guard cleared his throat.
"I'm sorry we need to wrap this up."
"Remus is waiting for me..." she got up and attempted to calm herself.
"I was going to ask I hate the thought of you being alone."
"I wouldn't have been if you hadn't murdered Peter." He looked at her as his cuffs were placed back on.
"That's not fair."
"Sirius, I've just lost everything and you're telling me what's fair. My family are dead, my nephew is half way across the country until I make arrangements, our child is dead and my husband is in Azkaban."
"I've lost my freedom for a crime I did not commit Evangeline."
"THEY WOULDNT HAVE BLAMED YOU IF YOU STAYED HOME SIRIUS!" She took a shaky breath and put her coat on. "I will write, I will try and bring you home." She coughed again covering her mouth.
"I am truly sorry my darling, I love you." She coughed once again nodding.
"I love you too."
"Look after yourself Evangeline potter." She let a tear god as they took him from the room.
"It's black now, I married the man of my dreams." He gave her a sorrow filled smile as he was taken from sight leaving her alone once again.

It was a few days later that it happened, Evangeline got sick. Remus returned to the manor in hopes to help, Harry's return was delayed while Remus watched as the only constant in his life grew sicker, a small cough turned into a constant struggle from breath. Her once rosey cheek drained on colour.

Dear Sirius,
I am worried beyond belief, I am at the manor with Evangeline. She is sick Sirius, sicker than you or I have ever seen. It started a few weeks ago a slight cough I begged for her to get help for begin getting worse, it's been days and she is getting worse. Dumbledor is making arrangements for the harry in case of the worst. Polly has so kindly come so help Evangeline. I have written to fudge myself as has she in an attempt to clear you name. We are hoping with the circumstances and the constant support we can bring you home before she gets worse.
Yours Remus.

He looked over at the woman laying in bed wheezing as she struggled to catch a breath. He walked over dabbing her forehead with the damp cloth.
"Sirius... is he coming home?" Remus' heart broke for days now she had been delusional adamant that Sirius James and lily were on their way home. Just yesterday he had found her in the kitchen talking of making James' favourite food.
"Yes Lena, he won't be much longer." She hummed.
"Tell regulus not to wind Peter up today it's not fair."
"Yes Lena I'll tell them."
"And make sure harry and Ophelia are ready for dinner." He left the room checking that the children were sleeping soundly. After making his way downstairs he found polly in the kitchen.
"Is she still having delusions?"
"Apparently regulus black is with Peter today. She's also talking about the baby." He slumped down on the arm chair seeing the package on the side addressed to her.
"That came an hour ago, I don't recognise the writing." Remus leant forward with a frown. He opened the brown paper seeing a box of chocolate and a note.
I remembered your favourite. P.p
Remus thought for a moment.
"God I could just kill him sometimes." She held out the bowl of chocolate.
"No thanks, ah that's what you get for marrying Sirius black."

She was curled up on the sofa a bowl of chocolate in her lap.

He ran up the stairs polly following his confused by the whole thing.
"Evangeline? Wake up sweetheart. Who sends you these?" He showed her the box and she frowned a little.
"Peter does silly, he knows their my favourite." He looked at his former nurse in horror
"She's not sick, call dumbledor now. She's beeen poisoned."

An hour later dumbledor examined the box before drilling a potion onto the sweet, the black smoke the swirled and the bitter smell told them all they needed.
"Mrs black always protested her husbands innocence, I wonder if mr pettigrew was attempting to tie loose ends by getting rid of her. To anyone looking in it would seem Mrs black simply succumbed to a sickness. Now the  question is keeping her safe and proving that these have been sent after his death. I think it would be best that we move the family to a location that none of us know, the rest of the world will be told the sickness caught up with her and Harry's location is unknown." The headmaster said and Remus looked in sorrow around the room.
"What about Sirius, he has lost anything he can't think that his wife and child are gone to."
"Mr black will be told that she is safe and it is a rouse." Remus nodded taking a steady breath.
"I suppose I will pack-"
"No Remus the less people who go with her the better, creature will go with them and no one in this room will know of their whereabouts. This we must do to protect them all."

Evangeline black dies unexpectedly.

Sirius sat in his cell looking at the paper a photograph of his wife on the front page. He looked at Remus' letter with tears in his eyes.

A source close to the family has denied that a simple sickness is what killed the guardian of the boy who lived and claims followers of you know who poisoned her causing her death in the early hours of Saturday morning. Harry Potter- Mrs blacks ward is said to have been handed over to a secret family friend as to keep them safe from harm his location is unknown. Mrs black will be laid to rest in godrics hollow beside her brother and his wife.

Sirius threw the paper across his cell letting out a scream. His sorrow consumed him as the news of his wife sunk in.

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