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Lena stood in the kitchen washing up while Sirius sat at the counter and read the paper. Lena stood there and all of a sudden the world went silent. He she dropped the glass she was holding and Sirius looked up.
"Lena? What's wrong." Her heart started pounding and she grabbed the counter for support. "Darling? Is it that baby?" Sirius was at her side a concerned arm around her, he wasted no time picking her up and sitting her on the side. "You hurt? Lena? Can you hear me?" He got concerned at her heavy breathing and the way she held her chest then all of a sudden her eyes met his.
"It's James, something is wrong." The phone ran and he lifted her down from the side making sure to avoid the broken glass, she pushed him away and looked like a deer in headlights. "You need to go, somethings happened you need to go." He nodded and pulled out his wand disappearing, she got to the phone as quickly as she could. "Hello?" The line went dead and she could do nothing but sit and wait.

An hour later alstor moody knocked on the door.
"Hello Mrs black, long time."
"Hello alstor." He looked at her bump and suddenly felt guilty.
"You may want to sit down." As hard as the man was he had a more gentle side that only came out in moments like this. "Tonight, there was an attack at godrichs hollow, I'm afraid mr and Mrs potter didn't make it..." she zoned out when the words were said, so much so she didn't notice when professor mcgonigal turned up and was sat infront of her. "Mrs black? Do you understand?"
"Where's harry..." she asked suddenly entering reality. "Oh hello Minnie... did you hear? James died..."
"I know pet, harry is with lilys sister... we know about your condition. He will stay with the Dursley's until you are well enough to take him." Her eyes fluttered like she was out of it and nodded.
"Sirius? He went to the house... is he alive?" Minerva looked over at alstor who seemed regretful.
"Sirius was the secret keeper Linnie... he's gone after Peter pettigrew... Peter is dead..."
"Oh..." was all she said over come completely by grief.
"Sirius black has been arrested, he will stand trial and go to Azkaban for the rest of his life... we are trying to contact mr lupin to come and see you to a new safe house and look after you for a while." She got up walking to the desk grabbing a note pad.
"I have his number... I'll call him..."
"Linnie? Is their anything we can do?" She turned around looking at Minerva with a blank expression.
"You know Minnie my mother used to call me that... she died two years ago." Alstor cleared his throat standing up.
"If there's anything we can do Mrs black let us know."
"I want to see Sirius..."
"Of course."
"And I want to see Jamie..."

There she stood in a room in the ministry watching as a sheet was pulled back. He looked like he was sleeping, but he was deathly pale. She could see the marks where the curse had hit him, she stepped forward looking at the Minerva who stood with her.
"Where is is glasses.... He can't see without them..." Minerva looked at the man who was with them who pulled them out of a draw, one of the lenses was shattered but she placed them on his face and bushed his hair back with her fingers. "Oh Jamie..." Minerva placed a hand on her shoulder as she stopped the man covering him with the sheet again.
"You have to say goodbye Linnie..."
"He promised it wasn't a goodbye..."
"I know..." she leant forward kissing his forehead and turning away as the pulled the sheet over. "Lily is here too if you want to see her." She gave a nod and she was taken to another room where her friend lay motionless. She paused in the doorway seeing her.
"I can't-" she sheet was already lifted and she saw her face. She walked over slowly and unsteadily placing a hand on lilys. "I- shit..." she sniffed looking down. "I'll look after harry... I promise..." she turned away looking at Minerva. "Can I go home please?"
"Let's call Remus and I'll personally take you." She nodded following Minerva out of the room to the phones in the hall. She called the number and waited.
"Remus-" she choked on a sob.
"Lena? Are you okay?"
"Remus- god- Something terrible has happened..."

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