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"Lyra? But-"
Sirius reached out to touch her face when a voice called from the house.
"Lyra! Come on sweetie." She ran off up the path and Sirius swore his heart stopped, there he stood in all his glory bouncing the tiny girl up onto his waist. He smiled as Sirius stumbled closer. "Hey padfoot."
"James?" He gasped and James laughed a little.
"You coming in?" James asked opening the door a little further.
"I have a choice?"
"It wasn't the killing curse. You're bleeding out, that's why you're here... kinda like a cross roads. It's your choice." He heard someone call his name and turned back to the gate.
"Harry?" James smiled a little almost knowing.
"We won't hold it against you if you want to go back... well I won't Lena might kill you herself." Sirius turned back around.
"She's here?" James nodded and suddenly was very conflicted on what to do, he could faintly hear harry screaming for him but his family was right there waiting for him. "Lyra. She's my child isn't she?" The child looked over her big blue eyes stunning in the moonlight.
"She's been staying with uncle prongs right Lyra? We've had loads of fun waiting for mummy and daddy haven't we?" The little girl nodded holding out a hand for Sirius.
"Come on daddy! I want you to stay." James out the little girl down.
"Go to auntie lily, let me talk to daddy okay?" She ran off inside and Sirius cranes his neck trying to see past his friend.
"I've missed you so much James. It was Peter-"
"I know pads. I know. Harry's can look after himself now... you've done your job, you can rest now Sirius."Sirius hesitated for a moment, james stepped forward holding out a hand to his friend. "You've done amazing pads, it's time to come home." He slowly reaches out taking james hand. The world shifted and they ended up in a house Sirius knew all to well. It was the home he bought them.
"So what now?" James signed pouring the two of them a drink.
"Now is the tricky bit, you have guilt. A lot of it, now we have to kinda air it? I know it's all a little gay but none of us can pass over until that happens."
"So, I've been keeping you guys in limbo?"
"No! Oh god no Sirius! We've all been on the mother side for a long time but when someone dies who had guilt about us we come here to settle it then pass over." Sirius then frowned it all became slightly clearer.
"Your death... I could've stopped it."
"No." James sat down leaning forward. "You couldn't have, he would've killed us either way."
"But if I'd been the secret keeper-"
"Then you would've died first. But, we would've still been killed. Doesn't matter how you try and change the future Sirius, fate always prevails. There was a prophecy that the last mistress of the potter fortune would die at the hands of a black." James stopped allowing Sirius to fill in the blanks.
"Lena... I stopped regulus murdering her... then Bellatrix..." James nodded swigging his drink.
"Fate always wins, doesn't matter how you change the circumstances. Bellatrix still killed you like she foresaw, and she was still murdered by a black."
"How does it end? All this death. Do we win?" Sirius asked his friend lighting a cigarette.
"Some more will die, but yes. My son will kill the dark lord tonight. He also becomes the richest and greatest wizard of his time thank to you leaving everything to him." Sirius chuckles. And James lights his own cigarette.
"It wasn't my fault." James nodded with a smirk.
"It never was." He stood up for a moment and James joined him hugging him tightly. "Welcome home brother."

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