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Lena woke up and pushed herself from the sheets with a groan. There was a note on her dresser and she struggled to read, the claws of sleep still very much holding on to her.
Me and lily are bringing harry over at noon - Jamie
She looked over at the clock seeing it was 11am, she had an hour. She knew james' plan get her talking while harry was in the room, she couldn't loose her mind and start smashing things then, she also couldn't have a liquid breakfast. The clanging from downstairs snapped her from her thoughts.
"Jamie? Is that you?" She walked down the stairs seeing a figure in the study and pushed the door fully open. "Jamie I-" the figure turned around and she saw the death eater mask. Fear over took her body sending her into a state of shock, her wand was upstairs. She ran as fast as she could up the stairs narrowly missing the spells being sent her way that were now sending shards of glass from photo frames all over her and the next had hit the banister causing her to loose balance. She managed to get to the top of the stairs before he grabbed her ankle dragging her back down, she screamed managing to kick the intruder in the face which saw her able to get away as he fell backwards down the stairs. She got to the bedroom grabbing her wand and a pen. Help was all that she wrote giving it to her owl and opening the window. "Take it to Sirius." The door burst open and she stood there wand in hand refusing to back down. "What do you want from me."
"The prophecy. Your husband isn't here to help, just hand it over." The masked man said and she panicked knowing full well all she had was the note book that was dangerously close to her on the night stand.
"Kill me and you'll never find it." She raised her wand but he got there first knocking her to the ground in unbelievable pain. Her note pad fell on the ground opening on a page, he picked it up nodding to himself. He raised his wand and she waited for death only for him to completely disappear, she tried to get up but the pain was too much. She couldn't see a thing only feel the pain ripping through her body.

"Lena! We're here!" James walked into the house seeing the smashed pictures and broken banister. He turned around to lily and stopped her. "Go, take harry home. Call Remus, see if he's had any luck finding Sirius." That was when they heard the noise from the lounge and lily hurried back home. James walked around the corner wand raised and Sirius stood in the room stepping out from the fire place with Remus behind him. "You're back." Sirius held up the note and looked at his friend.
"Where is she?" James pointed to the stairs and Sirius ran as fast as he could. "Lena! Lena! Evangeline!" He pushed open the bedroom door and found her lying on the ground in a pool of blood. He ran over pulling her into his lap. "James! Help!" He started to cry and the other two ran in.
"Shit!" Remus knelt down pulling out his wand.
"Vulnera Sanentur" remus spoke and the woods began to heal.
"Sirius..." James pushed the door closed showing him the dark mark burned into the door.
"Call the order."

20 minutes later she shot up gasping and screaming.
"Hey! It's alright! You're safe!" A hand grabbed her and she screamed trying to get away. "Lena! Darling it's me!" Someone grabbed her face and she opened her eyes to be met with her husband. She let out a breath placing a hand on his cheek.
"Sirius?" He placed a hand over hers and she broke down in tears. "Oh god-" he pulled her into his arms and she clung to him like a child sobbing into him.
"It's alright I'm here, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere okay?" She cried even harder as he whispered sweet nothings into her hair and held her tightly. "That's it... let it all out... I'm right here." By the time she let go she was shaking like a leaf and could barely speak. "Darling... what happened? Can you tell me?"
"They must've know I was the only one here. He knew I was alone... Sirius he knew." He signed pulling her back into his chest.
"My poor darling girl... I'm so sorry."
"He wanted the prophecy... he took it shit... he took the book Sirius we have to do something!" He shushed her and tried to calm her down and she cried out pushing him away. "You don't understand! I had one after you left! Sirius it's about harry!"

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