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A week later it was a full moon. Sirius was rushing around preparing things when Evangeline picked up her bag.
"Where are you going? I told you-"
"Sirius calm down. It's been a week and we've had nothing but snide comments in the hall. I'm going to the library for some books and then I'll be here working." He huffed hugged her tightly.
"Okay find you're right." He saw the sun setting and took a deep breath. "I have to go." He kissed her forehead. "I'll see you tonight, don't wait up."

She stood in the library humming to herself pulling the books off the shelf, not a soul in the room which is what she liked. She opened her bag placing the books inside before turning around.
"Hello potter."

Sunrise the boys all walked back laughing when they caught sight of dumbledor stood on the steps waiting for them.
"Gentleman, another easy moon?"
"Yes professor." Remus spoke with a sense that something was wrong, it was rare for him to meet them outside like this.
"I need you to follow me please." They did as told in confusion walking down the halls yawning slightly.
"So what's this about professor? Something about the full moon?" Remus pressed looking to his friends in worry.
"Not exactly." He got to the hospital wing and stopped they all looked to him as he paused. "About 20 minutes ago students went into the library to study and found something rather unsettling, I am hoping you boys maybe able to help... send some light on the situation." He opened the doors. "And I would brace yourselves." He led them inside to an empty room apart from one bed that madam pomfry stood infront of.  There was blood on the ground and the smell of blood caught Sirius and Remus off guard. Something snapped in Sirius as it hit him, lemongrass and lavender there was something else besides this and blood, he looked to Remus who gulped.
"It's fear... I've smelt it before." Madam pomfry turned seeing the boys and stepping to one side.
"Professor I've done all I can."
Evangeline lay in a bed she had been bleeding but it looked like with a few spells that had stopped. The scarring couldn't be so easily remove which she had stretching from her cheek to her nose and one from her forehead down to her jaw running through her eye. It looked like she had a few on her chest peaking out her shirt. James rushed over first seeing her bruised wrists and blood under her nails. Then it hit him, she wasn't breathing. He looked at his friends who had already caught on to the lack of a heartbeat from the girl in the bed.
"What happened?" The concerned brother said looking to the headmaster Sirius already knew the Awnser and his heart was breaking.
"She was found in the restricted section in quite a bad way, from the marks it shows one of the 3 unforgivable curses was used, from what we can tell the killing curse wasn't used. Miss potter, died from her injuries before we found her." He paused for a moment as James collapsed on the chair beside her. "We need to know who could've done this." Dumbledor spoke carefully as not to upset the boys further.
"Regulus black." Sirius spoke up without hesitation. Remus looked to his friends in shock, himself and Peter were closer to her standing the other side of James while Sirius kept his distance in the back of his mind blaming himself.
"Surely he wouldn't, he was always fond of her even after the hall last week." Peter said in a panic.
"The hall?" Dumbledor asked looking at the boys.
"Sirius ran away from home sir. His mother hadn't been great about him and Evangeline dating, she took out her anger on regulus. He stopped us in the hall last week and threatened them, we thought nothing of it apparently we should've." Sirius walked over slowly looking down at her. He tucked her hair back from her face and ran a knuckle on her scarred face.
"I told her not to go anywhere alone, not in a million years did I think he would do this." The doors opened and mcgonigal walked in frantically.
"Boys I came as soon as I heard. Classes have been cancelled until they done whoever did this." They gave a small thanks and nod. When she reached the bed and saw the state of the normally immaculate girl laying there her heart stopped.
"Professor have regulus, Barty and Evan bought to my office please." Dumbledor spoke slowly knowing his fellow professor had questions
"Regulus black? There must be some mistake-"
"No professor he did it." Sirius said sadly taking a seat next to his girlfriend's bed.
"Classes will be cancelled until we have the full story, there will be a curfew in case and let's keep this between us. You boys are welcome to stay with her and say goodbye I will have food bought to you and this room will be off limits to all but who the boys deem acceptable and staff. The ministry are on their way."
"Right away." The boys sat there for a moment just looking at her. James examined her hands again seeing her bloody nails and frowned.
"I need to know what happened." He said looking to his friends. "Remus that spell you know, about seeing people's memories."
"James I don't think you are in any fit state to see that right now plus i don't know if it will work on a body." Remus attempted to calm the boy only for him to stand up throwing a glass at the opposite wall.
"Remus I need to know!" He looked at Sirius who took a shaky breath.
"Peter keep watch. There's another way." Remus said pulling out a small gold necklace.

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