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Everyone gathered around the table shouting at eachother on what to do. The door opened and my god was it spectacular, Sirius held the door open dressed in a sharp black suit, his wife stepped into the room looking a far cry from the dead witch everyone thought she was. Sirius took her hand and the two walked over, Remus stood up a smile on his face.
"Well mr and Mrs black back from the dead." Lena smiled to her friend and looked around the table.
"Moody, all this shouting... you've lost your touch." Alstor smiled at her and stood up.
"Children, Sirius black." Harry smiled at his godfather whilst the others who were excluded from the night at the shack looked more than confused. Sirius winked at harry and looked back to the rest of the room. "And of course his wife, Evangeline black."
"Hello all, now can we please get on with this. I have places to be." Sirius pulled out a chair for her letting her sit before sitting beside her. The group began speaking every now and again Lena would look over at her nephew and have to remind herself it wasn't James, and then it dawned on her that they lost everything in the last war so only Merlin knows what would happen this time.
"Perhaps hiding is the best course of action." Lena looked up realising they were talking about her.
"I've done enough hiding."
"If Voldemort finds out you're the one who have the prophecy he will come for you Mrs black." Alstor reminded her and she stood up leaning on the table.
"I hid for 6 months. I miss my brothers death, my husbands trial, my child was taken from me. I lost everything hiding, I will not do it again! If I am to loose I will do it with my head held high and I will not go down without a fight alstor!" The man looked at her as though he was seeing her for the first time Sirius sat back in his chair shocked at his wife's out burst, his time away had changed her... and Sirius wasn't sure if it was for the better.
"You could loose your life Evangeline! Please for the love of all things good in the world go into hiding. Let harry and his friends take care of this." She shrugged looking back at him defiantly.
"Harry is a child! I have not been raising him like a lamb to the slaughter! And I'll be damned if I allow him to die like his father!" She took a breath to compose herself then spoke low and clearly for the room to hear. "I promise you this now, I go down I'm taking half of the fuckers with me, starting with Voldemort and peter pettigrew himself." Remus stood up looking at Sirius.
"I think that's a motion we can all get behind."

Sirius walked into the bedroom where she was sat getting ready for bed, he came up behind her wrapping his arms around her small frame.
"That was quite the speech you gave today, very James of you..." she smiled a little reaching up to take out her earrings
"What can I say, James' last act turned me into a radical." She joked placing the earrings down, his fingers held her jaw as his other hand slipped down her body.
"I think it was rather... exciting... seeing you shout alstor down like that." She gasped out as his hand pushed her thighs apart, her eyes meeting his in the mirror. "I had a thought today, seeing how fiercely you defended harry earlier...." Her hand held his wrist as he roamed her thighs fiddling with the hem of her nightgown. "I think it's about time we try this baby thing again." She broke away from him turning in her seat.
"Evangeline." He walked over to the bed sitting down and leaning back slightly with a cocky smirk on his face.
"It's the middle of a war, besides aren't we too old for all that."
"Old!" Sirius got up in pure disgust. "We're in our thirties that's hardly old Lena! Don't you want a child?"
"Of course I do, I just... I didn't think you would want to try again." He chuckled taking her hand and kissing her knuckles.
"Darling I would try anything for you."

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