A Class Escape

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You, Deuce and Ace sit at your desks right as the second bell rings. You let out a sigh of relief. Thankfully you made it on time. Deuce and Ace sat on either side of your desk. Ace on your left and Deuce on your right. Grim climbed down from your shoulder and sat in your lap.

"Ah. You must be my new homeroom students."

A new voice draws your attention to the desk in front of the room. There, a tall man with a large, black and white striped fur coat leaning against the edge of the desk. Under the coat was a black and white vest over a black undershirt with a red tie and gloves. He has grey eyes and sports silver studs in his ears. The most noticeable thing about him was his hair that was part black on one side and part white on the other.

He looks to Grim. "Hm, that's quite the unusual coat of fur. Do make sure that you arrive properly groomed."

The man with the large coat stood and paced in front of the students desks. "My name is Divus Crewel. You may call me Master Crewel."

So this is Professor Crewel. I'll have to thank him after class.

"Now, take your seats. Class is about to begin. We're going to start with the basics. And by that, I mean beating the names and distinguishing characteristics of one hundred herbs and poisons into your tiny brains. The mycelia are another matter. But eventually, I'm hopeful you'll be able to take a walk without putting anything poisonous into your gaping maws. For now, I realize you have all the self-control of voracious hounds."

He slaps a pointer against his hand. The handle has a red dog collar attached. "But I will not abide a single student failing this class. Expect to be drilled accordingly."

Deuce leaned over to whisper to you and Ace. "Huh. So... does anyone know what a mycelia is?"

Ace shook his head. "I've never been one for like, memorizing what things are, ya know?"

"All I care about is how to tell the yummy plants from the yucky ones." Grim says as he fantasizes about food.

When class finished, the students slowly shuffle their way out the door. You hang back, trying to make your way to the professor. He's leaning against his desk again, watching the departing students. Once you finally approach Crewel, you see just how tall he is compared to you.

"Umm excuse me?"

Crewel glanced your way upon hearing your voice. He quirks an eyebrow. "Hmm?"

"I just wanted to thank you for the uniform sir, I love it."

Crewel smiles. "Of course pup. I was worried since I couldn't see how the end result would look on you but I'm glad to see the finished product turned out brilliantly, as they always do."

Crewel moves to a drawer behind his desk. "I'm glad you enjoy the uniform. I also took the liberty to make you some more fabulous styles."

Crewel pulls out various different folded clothes and hands them to you. "I couldn't help myself. It's been a while since I was able to design more feminine clothing when I have to fix all the wear and tear from these untrained pups." He gestures to Deuce and Ace waiting for you by the door. They give the professor indignant looks.

You bring a hand to hid you giggling. You put the beautiful clothing in your bag and say your thanks again.

"Be sure to let me know if you need anything else. Now you better run along so you're not late for your next class."

You nod and scurry to the boys waiting for you.

"I am your History of Magic teacher, Mozus Trein. And this is my familiar, Lucius."

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