A Scientific Cafe

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You walk outside the coliseum with Riddle and Trey. Grim sits atop your shoulders as he excitedly takes in all the sights.

"The exhibit booths are where arts club students sell and showcase their original creations and other goods." Riddle explains. "The seniors also have booths to exhibit their research and study findings. Do browse and see if anything piques your interest."

"Oh yeah, Crewel mentioned somethin' about seniors comin' back for the culture fair." Grim tilts his head. "How come we never see 'em on campus otherwise?"

Trey adjusts his glasses. "The typical M.O. for four-year magical academies is that seniors go off-campus for hands-on learning. I'm no exception. I'll be doing the same next year, and I'll only be back on special occasions."

"Ooh. Whaddaya mean by hands-on? What do you guys do?" Grim asks.

"Some people apply to shadow a certain special team in an administrative organization." Riddle answers. "While others leave to excavate or explore ruins, or to decipher ancient texts. Still others accept internships with magic related businesses."

You tilt your head. "Administrative organization?"

Trey looks to you. "Oh yeah, you came from a world without magic, right? Of course this would all be new to you. Twisted Wonderland's fire and police organizations include elite teams comprised entirely of mages. And the best and brightest mages in THOSE teams go to an international organization called the Arcane Response Unit. Lots of people grow up idolizing them."

Grim perks up at the idea. "Sounds elite! So once I become a great and powerful sorcerer, I can join this Arcane Response Unit?"

Riddle brings a hand to his chin. "I haven't heard of them taking in monsters before, but we do live in an age of increased diversity. I wouldn't rule it out if you put in the work."

"Mages have lots of different occupations, huh?" You say.

"You have to do a lot more than fly around on a broom to cut it as a modern mage." Riddle states. "Think about your own futures. Follow the rules and study hard if you want to get ahead."

Grim rolls his eyes. "Yeesh, that's like your catchphrase or somethin'."

"Excuse me." Riddle places an indignant hand to his chest. "You asked me a question, and I answered."

Trey chuckles. "The future's a hard thing for freshmen to envision. The culture fair isn't all stuffy research exhibitions, of course. There's also plenty of booths you can visit for fun."

Trey smiles to you. "In fact, my Science Club is running a decorative plant café. Care to check it out?"

Grim's ears perk up. "Ooh, a café! That means food! Count me in!"

You laugh. "I'd love to."

Trey leads you to the botanical garden. Once inside, it's a bustle of activity. Students from the science club race to get everything set up in time.

"Myah!" Grim exclaims. "Look, they've got a buncha dining tables set up in the greenhouse."

Two club members run up to Trey.

"Hey, Trey!"

"Glad to see you!"

Trey waves to them. "You too, guys. Sorry I couldn't help you set up the café."

"It's fine. You stayed up late last night helping fine-tune the menu."

"All Rook did was sing praises about your smooth workflow."

Trey chuckles. "He does seem better suited to the Literary Club than the Science Club. He's also going to be representing our school in the SDC. Make sure to show lots of support as fellow club members, all right?"

The two club members nod. "Will do!" They return to help set up the cafe.

Riddle looks to Trey. "I was rather perplexed when the Science Club submitted an application to run a cafe. But the botanical garden is quite the spacious venue for it. That was some smart thinking."

Trey nods. "It's always nice to have someplace to unwind at crowded events. It's also warm in the greenhouse, so it's the perfect spot to come in out of the cold after watching a show. Not to mention its size and capacity. I'm expecting a solid two days of sales."

Grim folds his arms. "Y'know, none of what you're talkin' about sounds like it's got anything to do with science."

"Oh, that's not true at all. This is a place to relax and admire the rare decorative plants that the Science Club grew as research specimens. Plus, cooking is highly scientific." Trey hands you a menu to look at. "Food preparation is arguably a form of experimentation. This is a perfectly legitimate science exhibit. The club members also wait tables in white lab coats. Doesn't get much more on-brand than that."

You glance over the menu items. "These all look amazing, Trey!"

Trey smiles and brings a hand to his glasses. "Thank you, Y/N."

Riddle pulls out a pocket watch and checks the time. "Oh dear. It's almost half-past ten. We'd best check on the rest of the campus. The festival opens to the public at 11 a.m., and I want my full patrol done by then."

You enter a classroom that's being used for a presentation. The room itself is filled with gargoyles of all different sizes. Grim hides behind your hair.

"What's this place supposed to be? And what's with all the statues of scary-lookin' monsters?"

"Those are gargoyles, engraved sculptures that serve as a part of a system of rain gutters." Riddle looks around the room. "This club is chaired by Malleus, the housewarden of Diasomnia, but..."

Trey hums. "I'm not seeing him around anywhere."

Riddle sighs. "Malleus is an extremely capable mage, but he's never been the most punctual fellow. He's the only member of the club, as I understand it. I hope he comes back before opening time. Leaving a booth unmanned would be asking for trouble."

Trey smiles as he adjusts his glasses. "I don't know. Somehow I doubt anyone on this campus would dream of doing anything to Malleus's exhibit."

"You have a point there." Riddle nods. "All right, on to the next booth."

You look back at the gargoyles that line the room, trying to recall who told you about them before.

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