A Preformance Fee

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Everyone stares slack jawed at Vil. You knew Vil was rich but you didn't realize he was THAT rich. How can he so easily offer fifty thousand to each of us?

Epel shakes his head. "Ain't nobody asked fer yer money!"

"It's a performance fee, plus compensation for the month of nonstop rehearsals." Vil shrugs. "It's not an unreasonable sum when you look at it that way."

Deuce rubs the back of his neck. "But..."

"'You cananot buy my feelings with money'. That's what I said to my manager, yet here I am, unable to think of any better recompense." Vil smiles slightly. "The irony isn't lost on me, I assure you. But I simply won't be able to move on otherwise. So please, accept it. For my benefit, if not your own."

Everyone goes quiet.

"Sure!" Kalim stands up cheerfully. "I'll take it!"

Jamil looks to the boy in surprise. "Kalim?"

"Just to be clear," Kalim continues. "I still don't think this is your fault, Vil. But if that's what'll help you move on, then I'll take the money."

"And now that I've accepted it," Kalim looks to you with a bright smile. "I'm going to donate my share to Ramshackle Dorm!"

You feel your heart stop. "W-wait, what?"

Jamil quirks an eye as he folds his arms. "You and your snap decisions. Let me guess, the story about Neige gave you the idea?"

Kalim shakes his head. "Pfft, no! ...Well, maybe a little. But also, I was truly shocked when we stayed here. It's SUPER run-down!"

You can't help but laugh. "You guys should've seen it when I first got here. It's not nearly as bad as it was then."

"Exactly!" Kalim exclaims. "The hot water ran out when I showered, the roof leaked when it rained, it was always drafty. I'd never lived like that before." Kalim laughs. "They sure don't call it Ramshackle for nothing!"

Jamil shrugs. "Yeah, I won't deny that."

"Y/N and the ghosts living here were such gracious hosts during our training camp." Kalim continues. "I honestly had a blast! So I want to give Ramshackle a little facelift as a token of my gratitude. The money's ours, right? Which means we can use it how we want."

You stand and approach the crimson eyed boy. "Kalim, are you sure? You don't have to do this."

Kalim only smiles kindly. "I know I don't have to. But I want to do this for you, Y/N."

You wrap your arms around Kalim. "Thank you so much, Kalim!"

Kalim laughs as he hugs you back.

Rook applauds him. "Roi Doré, your noble heart makes you worthier than ever of your golden appellation."

Jamil tilts his head as he looks to you. "I accept my share of the pay, and will donate it to Ramshackle as well. I was never in it for the money anyway."

You let go of Kalim and stare at Jamil in shock. Epel stands and looks to Vil. "I made a deal with you, Vil. But at the end of the day, I still couldn't out-charm Neige. It wouldn't feel right to take your money whene I couldn't hold up my end of the bargain. But I understand what you've been through, and I know how hard this is for you."

Epel turns to you with a grin. "So I'll take the money and put it all towards fixin' up Ramshackle Dorm! Wouldn't it be great to give it the ol' spit shine and surprise Grim when he gets back?"

You feel like your heart swell. "You guys... I can't believe this! How can I ever repay you?"

Epel waves you off. "Dont think nothin' of it."

Kalim nods. "Epel's right. This is something we want to do for you. So you don't need to repay us."

Ace sheepishly scratches his neck. "Man, talk about pressure."

"That money would go a long way for my family." Deuce runs a hand through his hair. "But still..."

You laugh and shake your head. "Guys, I'm not asking for you to give me anything. You can keep the money."

"Oh, I'm taking the money." Ace smirks. "If Vil's offering, who am I to say no? He put us through the wringer. And I've been eyeing some new clothes and shoes lately."

"Me too, but..." Deuce glances to you but quickly looks away. "It just doesn't sit right."

You sit down next to the blue haired boy. Placing a gently hand to his shoulder. "Deuce, please don't feel bad. You're already doing something amazing by wanting to provide for your family."

"Come on, Deuce, quit it with the goody two-shoes act." Ace scoffs. "Let's be real about this. We auditioned because we wanted the money. Why hold back now that you're getting paid?"

Deuce looks to the floor. "Well, I mean..."

"Deuce, no one should donate money because they feel pressured to." Vil adds. "I'm aware this won't entirely make up for my behavior. But when I sent out that call for applicants, I promised a share of the winnings. Hence, I am simply acting in good faith. You all saved my life. Now hold your head high and claim what you deserve."

Deuce nods, smiling. "Alright. Thank you sir!"

Vil rolls his eyes. "Were you listening at all? You don't have to thank me for something you deserve."

Rook steps forward, placing a hand to his chest. "I shall donate my share to Ramshackle, as previously agreed upon. The beautiful time we shared together, sweating and striving toward a common goal, is all the reward I need. Who could ask for anything more?"

"Woohoo!" Kalim takes your hands and spins you around the room. "We can make so many repairs with this much money! Fixing the leaks is a given, but it'd be nice to replace the faded wallpaper and curtains too! I mean, this whole place just lacks pizzazz. Oh, I know! We should reupholster the couches!"

You laugh as you spin with Kalim. Jamil rolls his eyes. "Slow down. Our priority should be repairing the plumbing, gas, and any other essential utilities. We'll start by listing out the necessary repairs and seeing what the budget can cover."

Rook wraps an arm around you and Kalim. "Ahh, I can just picture the renovated splendor now."

Ace smiles at you. "Well, I'm not gonna donate my share, but when Grim gets back, I'll treat you both to a nice lunch at the cafeteria."

Deuce nods excitedly. "Good idea. I'll throw in some lattes and dessert!"

"I know Grim will love that." You say with a laugh. You look around the room at all the boys. "I seriously can't say it enough, guys, but thank you so much!"

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